For me, it just gets in my eyes.
You don't need a need this!

And your chickens...this!
The coop is finished and the silkies plus Turkey are separated. Ok, I need to do a little tweak here and there but it is 99% finished.

These pictures are where I started at this morning.

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Before we left to head to Lowes and then Tractor supply and Walmart, I filled it full of 2 wheelbarrows full of sawdust. The wheel broke off on the last load when I was pushing it through the door or I would have put at least another load in it. I also packed out the cinder blocks and a 8 foot long 2 x 4 for a roost and set that up. They have 2 nest boxes for now.

At Lowes I picked up another 10 feet of the 1/4 inch galvanized wire and it was just enough to line the rest of it including the door. Then we headed to TSC where I got another feeder and waterer. Ouch those have jumped in price in the last year like everything else. At Walmart while my brother did some grocery shopping I went and found 4 clear shower liners, heavy duty ones. I should have gotten 5, but will pick another one up later this week. Once again it was dark when we finished. I will get pictures tomorrow morning before I head to work. All in all this has cost me $550 to build. I had originally thought of building a proper coop and a run but with the price of wood and the amount of galvanized wire I would have needed, it would have been $2000 plus. That and getting help from dad to build the thing. He has taken a backset on the flu and is going to the dr tomorrow so it would still be a few weeks before he felt like doing something. I'm going to bring it up with mom, if she will let me have most of the side yard, I want to buy another panel or two each month and by fall have enough to build a 30x30 pen for the big chickens. I could then use the smaller one for broody hens and chicks.
WOW! Super Woman! You need to wear this❣️
This is Super Woman Looks Like T-Shirt
Thanks. It is hard, but thanks for the advice on alternatives. I'll probably pick up a few Buff Orpingtons, by far my favorite hens and they live a long time!!
Longevity is a good reason for breed choice. It was one of the reasons we chose Silkies for our final flock ~ they're so hardy for a fragile-looking breed. The Dominique is a leftover from our previous flock & surprised us w/longevity. She's a decent alpha hen to the littles...


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