Okay, I'll probably just trim first. If anybody still needs a wash after then I'll do that. I'd rather not deal with wet poopy butts if I don't have to 🤣

I'll try a trim on Magrat first because she's the poopiest butt and the calmest while being handled.
Dawn dish soap and warm water (not hot) take your time. You both should enjoy the experience
Just realized we don't have any safety scissors and I don't trust myself to not accidentally poke my girls with regular scissors 🤦‍♂️

Grandma is planning on making a trip to the dollar store soon, she said she'll pick up a pair then.

Now I'm debating on whether I want to wait to trim, or wash them for now. Some of their booties are really nasty :sick
Wash them. Don’t wimp around
I brought mine in for a spa day. Samara enjoyed her baths quite a bit, Morinth was pretty okay with them too. 20240217_115332.jpg
Preen gland
In the shower
Enjoying the view
So cute when they nod off❣️ They grow up so fast & BIG! Can you imagine snuggling w/ them all at ONCE when full grown? So fun to enjoy chicks before they get independent of us.
That’s easy! I just cover myself with meally worms, lay on the ground, and they all come to attack me.
That’s easy! I just cover myself with meally worms, lay on the ground, and they all come to attack me.
Is that your plan for your body after death? Coat you in mealy worms and feed you to the chickens?

I told hubby to cremate me and toss my ashes in the chicken run for a dust bath.
I'll do it soon then! 🫡

I'm mostly worried that they won't be dry enough when I put them back outside. Unsure if we have a blow dryer (other than my grandma's expensive one which she won't want me using).
You need some chicken sheets to cover your furniture. That’s how to stop poop 💩 Stains

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