4 days in a row now, more than a dozen eggs. Ladies are gearing back up....and I have no idea who laid this monster.

the olive egg next to it is Pippas xl sized. The monster is closer to a goose egg.
I thought about silkies, but it is so rainy here. I'm afraid they would always be all wet and muddy, so I've never tried to have them. Yours are so sweet looking!!! :love
You're right...Silkies do appreciate our milder climate. It's possible but it's too much of a faff to deal w/them in snow country or excessive rainstorms. A couple Silkie breeders I knew in NW snow country had to keep them in a building rather than a coop/run combo during extreme cold spells. Our climate is why we got them a few years ago & they turned out pretty hardy even in our rains.

I probably would've picked a bigger breed w/ rose or pea combs if I lived in a colder zone. Just so many neat breeds to choose from ~ micro bantams like Sebrights all the way up to giant breeds like Brahma & Jerseys to game breeds to ornamental Japanese breeds. So many breeds & so little time to sample all the ones that catch my eye❣️

Loved my rare Blue Bredas but can't find hardy stock any more. Greenfire Farms never imported new Breda lines ☹️

Breda have crowlike nostrils, hawk-looking head, no comb (only a triangle crest), massive vulture hocks, & heavily feathered legs/toes. Both hens & roos have tall statuesque postures.


TOVA ~ Blue

CHAR ~ Cuckoo Breda

Mottled Breda ~ I never had a chance to get a Mottled
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And Navy. Do we all see bronze shoulders coming in?
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Navy is way better about being held. I thought of grabbing Periwinkle too but the dog was getting riled up and it was spooking the chicks. Periwinkle has a two-tone flat comb and white chest still.
Love all the Crayola names ~ teehee ❣️ Of course Periwinkle is the best one :D. Chicks keep changing feather colors so much as they grow & after an adult moult can change colors again?! So fun to watch ~ TY!

MIKA as a chick ~ white face & beard

Mika grown out all black
MIKA 17  03-24-3024.jpg
Tablets. They are the ones that are chewable. Easy to break in half.
I don't know why....but our Silkies will drink liquid meds or liquid vitamins if we dose it in our palm. Our vet was surprised to see it. He was going to show me how to squirt a dropper down a squirming Silkie throat...so I asked for the dropper & showed him how easy it was for a Silkie to lap up a liquid med from my palm. I think the pet meds are sweet flavored so the animals like dogs or cats lap up every bit.

I've never given aspirin to a chicken before but probably would get grape or cherry flavor infant liquid aspirin since our birds have a sweet tooth anyway. God forbid we ever have to use aspirin or meds again...but I know its an inevitable occurrence in raising pets :(

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