Get to Work You Lay-Abouts

It has been warm enough here to start thawing the garden. So I turned it over for them today.

Even Sydney joined in after she figured out what was going on.

Hens at Full Production

I caught Lady Featherington in the nest box yesterday. Everyone, besides Hattie, is laying again!

Check out that comb and wattles.

Aster, meanwhile, seems to have picked up one of her mother's bad habits and has started dropping eggs all over the yard. :barnie

Pigeons are extremely hardy - it always amazes me that there were pigeons in Fort McMurray! Temps there are regularly around -43C in the winter! Who knew pigeons were tough!
Wow...they leave here in the winter and it doesn't get that cold here. But they are certainly coming back early this year. Maybe because we are having a mild winter. How did they know? 🤔
As long as it’s not raining they do very well. Rain is the enemy to horses and cattle.
Although, it rains year round here and there are a lot of cattle around. Don't know breeds, so can't say what they are. Right now one of our neighbors has about 6 or 7 calves, and we are in the middle of winter. :idunno

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