Spaniels are so-o-o adorable... kids & puppies together❣️ Somehow I thought it would be chicks though 🤣

We found puppy training classes very useful even if just for the simple forms of walk, sit, stay ~ it's amazing how easy to train puppies at the start. We never realized all the mistakes we made when our DD got her 1st puppy. Nowadays 40 yrs later DD makes sure she goes to dog training w/ each new dog she adopts.
She sees the trainer on Wednesday.
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Why is he more handsome than half of Hollywood? Free...and on my side of the state. I must resist...I can get eggs and hatch my own Fabulous Man soon.....
But daaaaaang do I want him...
You may have a type.....

Today is a very sad day. I went out to the coop and found my beautiful Sunny dead on the coop floor under the roost. I bawled like a baby. She wasn't even 2 years old.

Yesterday she was fine, as far as I could tell. I have no idea what happened. I could not bring myself to do a necropsy. Just couldn't. I have her bagged up in the freezer, and I'll bury her in the garden when the ground thaws. I will not throw her away or let the raccoons have her.

She was my lap chicken. (Pip is too, but less so.) Sunny would let me pet her. I petted her when I took out chickie snack yesterday afternoon.

I cried again when I took out chickie snack today, because she wasn't there.

Fly high and free, my beautiful Sunny Girl!
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I'm so very sorry. Our deepest condolences. It's so very hard to lose them. Even more so when they are special ones. :hugs :hugs :hugs
To: Mr. P! Heavens to Betsy stop making your chicken tender worry so much. First your feathers now this 😡 … also, get better fast or one of us may have to notify THE QUEEN!

To: Ponypoor, sorry to hear of the injury:( Silly Roo’s!
I was laughing at the poor guy this morning. Bald, covered in purple woumd spray, tail 3/4 missing, bad limp…. He looks like he want a round with a lion, and won 😁

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