I was up at 1am this morning and saw the blood moon but not very clearly thru this horrible dust! We did finally get rain so yay! But we have occasionally gust of wind up to 75mph.

Like I said, I could not get any clear pictures of the moon since the sky was full of dirt.
Here is one picture
It just snowed a lot. There was also fog one day and it froze on everything in sharp spikes that feels like thorns going right through my glove. Still winter here.
I feel for you - I really do. But Hoare Frost is beautiful - and yes sharp as needles!

Soon it will be nice out there also. And your chooks will be trying like mad to escape like mine!
I was up at 1am this morning and saw the blood moon but not very clearly thru this horrible dust! We did finally get rain so yay! But we have occasionally gust of wind up to 75mph.

Like I said, I could not get any clear pictures of the moon since the sky was full of dirt.
Here is one picture
View attachment 4072353
WOW! That is a stunning picture.
That is a wonderful idea! For the lacing, should I do a thread of black alongside normal white yarn so the black marks are smaller?
Considering how regular the lacing is, maybe wrap the black thread (like the #10 lace cotton) around the white to turn it into a 5 ply to keep the black popping consistently...do a swatch, see how it looks.
While I sort through the 100 pictures I took I need to leave this as a warning for myself.

That is one full day and a partial mornings worth of eggs. I still have several hens fighting over the nest spots so there will be many more before the evening is out.

I have several clues Owly is gearing up to go broody. No matter how tired I am, I cannot skip a nighttime egg collection for the foreseeable future.

Owly, where are you going?

George do NOT encourage THIS!

Good grief, REALLY! That is it, building is permanently shut this summer!

I searched and that was the only egg she had in there. It was also cracked from where she laid it on the hard wood. I'm lucky though. If I had not followed her I would not have found where she was attempting to hide her eggs and I'm sure not all of them would have broke as she laid them. Sneaky, sneaky hens.
I use plastic trash bins for my feed, ones with wheels. I load up on feed to last a couple weeks.

Keeps the feed dry and keeps out vermin. Note to self: stop burying the feed scoop at the bottom of the bin when you pour the feed into the bin!

Still watching the sunset last night
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If resin county trash bins on wheels are sturdy enough to keep out rodents from chewing that's a great idea for feed storage. However, for us, we don't buy humongous bags of feed for only 6 hens so we got 10 & 20 gallon size metal pails w/lids for chicken items storage. We got a 30 gallon for straw storage. W/ metal containers it keeps out all chewing animals. What a great idea if metal cans w/lids had handles & wheels! So far I've only seen open mop pails on wheels but no tight lids...
Oh no! I set my alarm for 2am and bolted out of bed having no idea why.
Eventually my mind cleared and I remembered why I was out of bed and went outside. I have to say it was gorgeous. Perfectly clear sky, I saw the eclipse and it did indeed turn red (well orange really). I was out for about an hour and then realized I had lost feeling in my fingers and toes so came back to bed to thaw out.
A few eclipse photos (I clearly have no idea how to photograph the moon, but atmospherically they capture the moment quite well).
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Meanwhile, the Princesses could not have been less interested!
View attachment 4072341
Awesome photos! I can see the red color and the setting is breathtaking. God’s creation always inspires me.

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