He's got both feet on the ground too....just in a meandering stagger.View attachment 4074886
The silkies should be good for chuckles tonight - the wind is brisk here. Yesterday to wouldn’t go out at all it was so windy. They get rolled over like tumble weed 🤭
Calypso has decided that a white, possibly diamond, tiara is the perfect accessory to her green gown.
I originally thought these were feather sheaths that she hadn’t managed to get off after her molt. But no, they are teeny white speckled feathers.

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Hmmm I was watching Fluffy McNugget in the nestbox picking up bits is straw and throwing it o er her back into the box. She must be either laying or coming into lay.

This is were bad Kelly gets ideas on hatching more Polkies 😳 bad Kelly! Not happening.
Let's see...chickens are easier than horses, you say. If true, at 1000 lbs per horse, & chickens averaging 5 lbs each...that means you can add 200 chickens in lieu of a horse YAY!!! Go for it :celebrate
Calypso has decided that a white, possibly diamond, tiara is the perfect accessory to her green gown.
I originally thought these were feather sheaths that she hadn’t managed to get off after her molt. But no, they are teeny white speckled feathers.
View attachment 4074923
View attachment 4074924
Very interesting. Every moult can exhibit surprises in our hens. I wonder if heredity, diet deficiency, or environment cause the change in feathers?

From FeatherSite.com ~ they show a Phoenix hen that turned white w/age

"Yukako" at age 4, on a stolen nest

"Yukako" at age 10

And here's a Dominique w/a strange moult from FeatherSite.com

"Emily," a six-year-old Dominique is starting to go white. Until this year, she had perfect Dominique markings.
He sized me up and then relaxed, I suppose he feels confident of his odds. He's right, this body ain't built for fighting.
View attachment 4074976
I was just there to make sure your water was thawed and bring another bowl of food, you cute couple!
Do you have to return the Buff hen? He might get attached to her or vice versa?

Wow ~ that spur looks sharp!

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