Mugs Monday.

Wow! They aren't babies any more. Any ideas on who are the boys or girls yet? I'm especially interested in Periwinkle...
No clue. Blue has pinky wattles starting so may be a boy, but Kasumi did as a chick and she was just a very strong-hormoned girl.
Here's some Periwinkle pics for your perusal...
Screenshot_20250317_181026_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20250317_180949_Gallery.jpg
Chicks arrive Monday! :wootOnly 6 days left to wait! I'm ridiculously excited. :weeI have pretty much everything purchased, and only have a few more things to check off the list. I'll get feed and some electrolytes and clean out the horse trough they'll go in this weekend. That's it for the last preparations! For anyone who missed the list of what is coming, here it is:
  • 1 Chocolate Orpington cockerel
  • 2 Chocolate Orpington pullets
  • 2 Barnevelder pullets
  • 2 Easter Egger pullets
  • 1 Blue Australorp pullet
  • 1 Buff Orpington pullet
  • 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte pullet
  • One Extra of a breed in the order
I went for some more interesting/uncommon breeds and colors this year, including 2 I've never had before, Barnevelders, and Wyandottes. I'm planning to hatch Chocolate Orpingtons next year. Orps have always been my favorite, and the Chocolates are gorgeous. :love Mt Healthy's Chocolate Orpington Roosters are sooo handsome.
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