:celebrate :love So eggcited for you!!!!!

O M G !!!!!!

More babies - ok Kelly get a grip contain yourself- breath ….

Phew! That was a close one! I almost whipped over to Freys and ordered chicks!

Congratulations! Between you and Jenn and everyone else here with babies I should be good for my baby fix - for now!
Would it help if you came and cleaned my brooder? :p it's a 2 person job now!
A jacuzzi does sound nice. Decades ago I had one but when you're younger it's not appreciated. Now I'm too old to crawl into one :old.

Exercises are tough/painful... but if no pain, there's no gain. Therapist has extended another 4 weeks of appts.

BTW ~ the chickens in bed are not mine... it's an internet pic :lau
And the cats in my bed aren’t mine either:
Wow. She really is a tough one. You seem to be doing the right things to me. Maybe she needs to be dealt with more like a rooster. Any thoughts from the rooster owners out there?
Here’s a thought… A rooster is a rooster, and hardwired to act as one. A hen acting like a rooster, only strives for dominance any way possible.
Garden work late today. It's not too often I'm letting them out beyond their electric fence area because there's been a fox around, but both DH and I are out right now with them doing chores. They're sticking close to the buildings and us.





All four laid an egg today. Hazel was in the nest box yesterday morning for a few hours too, but finally laid today. Hers is the far left. Not as long as the last one, but definitely long.
And the cats in my bed aren’t mine either:

Here’s a thought… A rooster is a rooster, and hardwired to act as one. A hen acting like a rooster, only strives for dominance any way possible.
Are you saying a hen acting like a rooster won't respond to other rooster conditioning that would otherwise keep the behaviour in line?
Garden work late today. It's not too often I'm letting them out beyond their electric fence area because there's been a fox around, but both DH and I are out right now with them doing chores. They're sticking close to the buildings and us.
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All four laid an egg today. Hazel was in the nest box yesterday morning for a few hours too, but finally laid today. Hers is the far left. Not as long as the last one, but definitely long.
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And it looks like they are helping you till the garden beds. :love
As soon as the snow melts, the rest of the chicklets are going outside, hubby says.
I may try to acclimate the biggest chicks to Marble and Buffy. Do old hens still attack chicks like laying hens do? I just want to know if a small dog crate would offer enough protection or if I need to do something else.
The replacement parts for the large run will be here Wednesday (which is also when the new Family Farm and Home opens!!!) So we will be repairing that and getting birds moved around.

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