Thirsty Thursday

It’s actually dried up here pretty well. But the chooks managed to peck a bit at the water I emptied from the horses pails.

And Patches had a sip from the water bowl.
And just because they are darn cute - I give you the dumplings.

Holly and Jolly
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Girls or boys?

I have my suspicions….
I think Holly is a girl, Jolly...not so sure. Dunno if I see tassels...
Periwinkle's been an absolute beautiful doll since her 1st pic ❣️ She has a perfect name for a perfect color.
She's really a sweetie. I told her that she needs to grow up well, and she can be queen of the broody butts if she so chooses!
We use blue painters tape to tape down Saran Wrap over the keyboard ~ Saran Wrap is pliable enough to still allow you to type but protects from dust (or poops).. Chicklets/chickens can poop over it all they want. Easy cleanup.
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Mushy little beige poop behind baby Dana
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I'm gonna guess that one chicken really liked the laptop. If I'm not mistaken the hard drive is right there, which hums and the chook might like that.

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