Ummm is it too early for them to be doing the egg song? They should be about 13 weeks and 5 days old. I can’t remember when Clyde started crowing…
Ok went and found the day Clyde crowed was at 11 weeks old.

So not sure what to think with these two dumplings.
Mugs Monday.
Better late then never.
I would definitely do loop stitches down the legs. Gotta keep those hairy legs!
The original had cut loops, and looked messy to me.
View attachment 4083789
View attachment 4083790
Still needs shorter legs? What does the pattern use for those overly long legs ~ wires, pipe cleaners? This bird is cute but passes as a mix rather than a Silkie ❤️ Even the tummy needs more fluff. Of course this Silkie all depends on whether it's for real life or comedic value?

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