One of my CRs broke/dislocated her wing. I posted an emergency thread about it.
If anyone has experience with broken or dislocated wings please reply to the thread. At one point I helped a neighbor who had turkeys set one of the turkeys' wing bones (they were not fed a ration with high enough calcium). However the break on the turkey's wing bone was near the middle joint in the wing not near the joint where the wing connects to the chicken's body, so in comparison that break was almost easy.
One of my CRs broke/dislocated her wing. I posted an emergency thread about it.
If anyone has experience with broken or dislocated wings please reply to the thread. At one point I helped a neighbor who had turkeys set one of the turkeys' wing bones (they were not fed a ration with high enough calcium). However the break on the turkey's wing bone was near the middle joint in the wing not near the joint where the wing connects to the chicken's body, so in comparison that break was almost easy.
I don’t have any experience but I have read that you should tape the wing to the body and it may heal.
Uh oh!

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I was kind of excited (eggcited heheh) when I first saw this egg in the nest. Was going to blow it out but the shell was suuuuuper thin. So I threw it in the woods for the animals. I don't know whose egg this was so I'll have to keep an eye out. Just a one time glitch, I hope.
Calcium might help. Oyster and egg shells, grit and maybe a calcium supplement for a short time.
Can you edit this -the iD there’s a space between the y and b (BY Bob)

Or he may not see this for HRH and we sure don’t want Her Majesty to be cross with her Hooman!
Corrected! Good catch, TY! I suspect it will make him laugh. 🤭
And offering to buy the lot of birds would only encourage them to get more to abuse, if my experience is right.
Sad but I agree this would likely be the outcome. Then the cycle would just repeat itself. This whole situation is so heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹.
I do have OS available to them all day. I don't think we have calcium supplements but if it happens again I'll scrape up the cash to buy some!
I have like 8 bottles of calcium pills haha, I crush them up and add them to mash, or quarter them and wrap in cheese for individual doses. I told my mother in law I needed one bottle and she brought me 7!!! It's the same one I take daily too.

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