Foamy/Bubbly Eyes


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2024
What causes Foaming eyes in chickens?! I was reading mycoplasma?! I’m still new to the chicken world, and Mycoplasma sounds terrifying! Only symptoms I see so far are bubbling eyes in one of my hens.
1.) Is there anything else that could cause this? Also how could she have gotten it?!.. my chickens do not free range (unfortunately they can’t, too many aggressive animals in my neighborhood).
2.) do they really have it for life and the rest of my small flock may already have it if that’s what it is?
3.) Do I need to treat or will it clear up in its own?
4.) Any need in quarantine if it’s always transmittable?
5.) Can humans contract this? Can my kids be around the chickens?
6.) Eggs ok to eat still?

I know… a lot of questions! But I’m in panic mode and Google doesn’t seem to be much help 😅


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Don't panic! Yes, it is a common symptom of respiratory illness but it's not a death sentence. You say no other symptoms and it's only one chicken?

Another cause of bubbles in the eye is if they get debris in their eye. Like dirt. Hard to know either way with no other details.

If it is respiratory (MG) then yes it is contagious to the rest of the flock. An educator on BYC will probably reply to this thread soon to help you figure out if this is the cause and how you can treat.

Yes, eggs are safe to eat but if you end up treating with antibiotics, the medications may recommend not eating the eggs.

If this is MG, they can survive it but you may have occasional flair ups. You can treat the symptoms but it is permanent. It's recommended to have a closed flock (don't bring any more birds in and don't give any away). If you have a rooster and hatch, the babies will also have it.
Don't panic! Yes, it is a common symptom of respiratory illness but it's not a death sentence. You say no other symptoms and it's only one chicken?

Another cause of bubbles in the eye is if they get debris in their eye. Like dirt. Hard to know either way with no other details.

If it is respiratory (MG) then yes it is contagious to the rest of the flock. An educator on BYC will probably reply to this thread soon to help you figure out if this is the cause and how you can treat.

Yes, eggs are safe to eat but if you end up treating with antibiotics, the medications may recommend not eating the eggs.

If this is MG, they can survive it but you may have occasional flair ups. You can treat the symptoms but it is permanent. It's recommended to have a closed flock (don't bring any more birds in and don't give any away). If you have a rooster and hatch, the babies will also have it.
Thank you so much!! I hope it’s not MG, the bubbles are in both eyes.. but haven’t noticed any other symptoms! I’ve quarantined her off from the flock just in case.

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