Fox Predator Problem, Any tips out to get rid of the fox?

Also -speaking of urine - walk your dog (I assume you have one?) slowly around the perimeter of your property and encourage him to mark it with his urine, daily, at least for a while.
Keep you birds in a completely enclosed run or keep shooting them.
Cougar urine might help.
There are other things you can do than shoot a fox who is trying to survive in a cruel world dominated by humans. We invaded thier backyard and one wrong move, and we shoot them.

I have the same problem. The fox moves on in the fall/winter, returns spring/summer. I free-range. So instead getting trigger- happy or detroying a beautiful creature, I adapt her presence by putting my birds in the run (chicken-keepers should have a plan in place to protect the chickens, and a plan B.). Simple.

Foxes have predators. When they pick up on the scent of a predator, they move on (for thier best survival). Unforunalty, wolf or puma urine can be expensive. However, if this is not an option, you should be able to call DNR or animal control; they will safely catch and relocate your fox somewhere with a water source and ample food.

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