Free eggs shipping included!

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Today is the day they are supposed to pick.....and the winner will find out who they are.
Whatever he ends up being called, the real winner is anyone who gets to snugge thaat adorable puppy!!!!
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Oh there are good ones BUT toady is the day to pick a name. It will be this afternoon before the kids come home and pick it so get your nasmes in if you havent already. I have been keeping track everyday and writing down post #'s and names of the ones we like. We have it narrowed down to 19! But the day is not over.
Thanks everybody, the kids are really enjoying this
I am not selling them, I just bought him for $100. If you want one she still has 3 males and 4 females left. That plus shipping would still be cheper then $2000! Let me know.

Do you know how much it is to ship a live animal? I never did that before. I might have to wait anyway and just hope some deal some where comes up. We have small dogs, but they are no fun for two active boys. Mine like to lay around and bark at every little thing they here. The joke around here w/them when they bark and we don't hear nothing is, "What did a cricket fart!" (hubby came up w/that one!)

I just can't get over the breeders, I know they need to make a living, but not a killing! lol My grandmother did this a long time ago, I forgot what the breed was called, and she never charged no where near most breeders charged and she did better.

Where do you live? Try I had 4 horses moved from TN to IL and had it done for $400. People bid on your shipment. I raise pomeranians and use that site all the time for shipping. Prices vary but better then flying sometimes. If you really want one let me know. I am actually going back today to pick up another ine. DDH just has to have another.
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