Frennie has breathing issues please advise

Rachelle Elaine

Mar 28, 2021
Castroville, Texas (San Antonio)
Frennie is 4 year old crested cream leg bar, she is free range, on organic chick feed, oyster shells and whatever she can find on her patch of land. She is 1 of my 18 chickens and the only one showing these signs. This has been going on for about 2+ months and only recently getting worse. She is still laying sporadically. Sneezing and head shaking with liquid, softish crop during this video​
I am on day 5 of tylan50 oral at .5ml.
Please help on what to do next and thoughts on what this could be.
She has rales and is shaking her head often, swallowing mucus drainage. Does she or has she had any bubbles or sticky drainage in either eye, or swelling on her face or eyelids? Have any others ever had any symptoms in the last 2 months? She obviously has some chronic respiratory disease. Common ones are MG, coryza, ILT, infectious bronchitis, and a few others. Some are viruses, some are bacterial, and mold fungus can also cause symptoms. Tylan 50 dosage is 1.25 ml for a 5 pound chicken given 3 times a day for 5 days. Tylosin powder, the generic form that is put in the water (1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days,) is available online from and If she has a virus (IB or ILT,) then it usually takes a month or so for symptoms to run its course, and antibiotics don’t help unless they get a secondary bacterial infection. The best way to know what she has had, is to have your state vet do a necropsy on her if you lose or decide to cull her. Here is a list of state vet vets including TX:
She has rales and is shaking her head often, swallowing mucus drainage. Does she or has she had any bubbles or sticky drainage in either eye, or swelling on her face or eyelids? Have any others ever had any symptoms in the last 2 months? She obviously has some chronic respiratory disease. Common ones are MG, coryza, ILT, infectious bronchitis, and a few others. Some are viruses, some are bacterial, and mold fungus can also cause symptoms. Tylan 50 dosage is 1.25 ml for a 5 pound chicken given 3 times a day for 5 days. Tylosin powder, the generic form that is put in the water (1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days,) is available online from and If she has a virus (IB or ILT,) then it usually takes a month or so for symptoms to run its course, and antibiotics don’t help unless they get a secondary bacterial infection. The best way to know what she has had, is to have your state vet do a necropsy on her if you lose or decide to cull her. Here is a list of state vet vets including TX:
I'm so happy to hear from you eggcessive. She has nothing on eyes or face out of norm.
No one else is showing any I'll behavior. Stool is liquid and very bubbly.
She's had these symptoms for about 3 months but it was getting better, or so I thought.
I've had necropsy reports done in the past and it's usually roundworm or some sort of worm activity but I've been deworming on a regular basis since then. She's eating and drinking.
What are your thoughts on what I should do regarding further treatment if I've given her Tylan 50 for the last 5 days at a too low dose should I bump up the dose and keep moving forward or should I give it a break and resume after a period of time. I have 17 other chickens in this flock
@Eggcessive I've moved her inside the house, given her chick crumbles with nutrient drench and water with nutrition and electrolytes and a small amount of meal worms. She has pooped (no worms visible) and she ate all the meal worms. Today no meds and is day 6 since I started the five day 0.5ml of Tylan 50. Should I give more since my dosage was off or get another med? I can upload another video if needed
You can give her 5 more days of the higher dose of Tylan 50. Dosage is 1/4 ml per pound 3 times a day for 5 days. Is there anything in her area that she could be irritated from or allergic to, such as mold, dusty feed, ammonia odors, or other?
She might be rejected and picked on by her flock if she is gone that long. I prefer to keep them in a wire dog crate if they need to be separated. If you keep her inside, I would bring her out daily, so they don’t forget her.
This is new... @Eggcessive she just "pooped"


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That looks a bit of mucus, cecal, or it might be some egg matter. Is she acting okay or eating? Since she has been on antibiotics for awhile, I would give her a little plain yogurt with cultures or some probiotics.

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