Fruit for Laying Hens


8 Years
Feb 20, 2011
Rural Michigan
I just read in the new Meyer Hatchery catalog that laying hens should never be given fruit, because it can stop them from laying and they may not lay again for up to six weeks. Nothing I've ever read in any chicken books has ever said anything about fruit's effects on layers. On the contrary, I've heard of lots of folks offering apple and tomatoes and other fruits. Does anyone have any information on this? Or personal experience with this?
I really wish they would take that out of their catalog, or at least specify what type, if there is a bad fruit. This gets posted about all the time. No offense to you or anybody else that asks though - better safe than sorry! (don't want to give the impression you shouldn't ask questions, cause you should - it's how you learn.
) Fruit is fine. We feed our girls fruit all the time, even buy them their own watermelons during the summer! No ill effects, other than being expected to bring a melon, or some type of juicy sweet treat, EVERY SINGLE time you step foot out your door
Enjoy watching them devour their goodies, it's so much fun
I just gave my hens a watermelon the other day and they are still laying. They also love strawberries and tomatoes.
It's a personal belief of Meyer Hatchery. You could try asking them, but I don't know of anyone that's gotten any other answer than, they have no information to back it up, they just feel that way.

Lots of people feed lots of different types of fruit to their chickens with no problem. Yes, if you feed too much fruit, it can effect laying. If you feed too much corn it can effect laying. If you feed too much wheat it can effect laying. If you feed too much of ANY food it can effect laying. There's nothing special about fruit. It also doesn't stop women from ovulating, so don't use it as an alternative birth control.

I get tired of answering this, too. I think they are an okay hatchery in general, but sometimes this makes me really wonder about them.

So that's why I have so many kids! Darned apples.

All right, then. I do know that my chickies love anything that's juicy, like tomatoes and apples and cucumbers. I'll have to try watermelon. Good thing the shape of the fruit doesn't affect the size of the egg... that could hurt!
We have given our chickens watermelon and cantaloupe and sometimes peach skins or tomatoes. They love it all....BUT.....they have not been laying as usual. There was a long heat wave of 100+ degrees foe about 2 weeks and we made sure that they got plenty of fresh cold water all the time. Not sure what is going on....too many variables: Heat, broody hen, too many young roosters, fruit........

I am hoping for a break in the action soon!

With all the excessive heat lately, we've been feeding our chickens lots and lots of watermelon. (I trade eggs for melon from a local grower).

My chickens have eaten so many melons lately that I'm waiting for the day when they lay a baby watermelon instead of an egg.

But so far, they are just laying regular chicken eggs.

Lots and lots of chicken eggs.

The melon I have fed them, along with the strawberries they ate during harvest season, have not hurt egg production one bit.

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