Frustrated about the availability of chicks

It's the egg prices, people are panicking or they think it will be cheaper (lol) to raise chickens than to buy eggs.
I'm Glad I order December.
They sell out within an hour here.
Of course, in 4/5 months, we'll have a nice assortment of stated pullets available.
That's exactly what my father in law told me. He said wait you will find ready to lay pullets if a few months...
Out of idle curiosity, because of all the posts about unavailability of chicks, I looked in my Craig list farm and garden section. Multiple posts offering started chickens, both sexes. Some adult hens, and one with chicks. People are seeing an opportunity here, hatching and raising their own, to sell. Check it out.
I noticed that TSC is now offering chicks for mail order on their website. The price is about par for most mail order hatcheries.They are only offering assortments and not specific breeds. I’ve never ordered from them so can’t speak to quality of the chicks.
We ordered our barred rocks a few years ago, we won't get the assortment though it's a shame they don't offer specific breeds anymore. I think they are having a hard time keeping up this year.
I decided to Door Dash and order from TSC yesterday. I didn't want to drive in the rain. The driver called to discuss substitutions and there was so much noise in the background I could barely hear her. She said it was people trying to get the new arrival of chicks. Insane. Black Friday for chicks.

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