FS - Va - BBS Orpington Eggs

The warehouse has been notified they have an order pending. LOL

Thanks. My splash cockeral is such a wimp.He let's my blue wyandotte girls who are only 1 week older boss him around. I think I'll name him Mr. Prissy after you. lol
I have a very docile rooster that will let the hens pluck him. I have no clue why. Hence we get 'hen pecked'. I have no clue why they do this. I took those older hens out and now he is recovering.
He's ok but he is just terrified of the girls right now.In fact he's more scared of them than they worry about him.
When I add a young roo to an existing flock of hens they always hide in the corner. It is almost pitiful to watch but I figure once they earn their right to be there they make the hens pay for intimidating them.

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