Hey IM, I saw this post early this morning and thought about your raised beds: hügelkultur-raised-beds.1604433

Do you use that method or similar with your metal gardening beds?
I’m trying it in one of the beds, may do a second one if I have enough wood. So far all my logs have been used in just one of them.
We had some rain, not a lot but the streets were wet; guess that’s better than nothing. Possible chance for more over the weekend.

We put down Shadow Wednesday night, she was walking in circles. So far nobody else is sick.

Sorry about Shadow, hope everyone else stays healthy.
Interesting developments. Attila and the red Nn are sleeping together in the nest box in the small coop. Elvis and Toast are roosting in the big coop. I think maybe Elvis is a problem and he needs to go in the small coop until the girls establish themselves as a group. He’s a jerk to Attila and the Nn girl so maybe that’ll knock him down a peg or two. So far nobody else shows signs of illness.

Went to TSC for straw today. Came home with that and three bags of feed, a new treat and a salvia for the shade garden. The feed is about $6 less per bag there than the feed store nearby. I try to support the local business as much as possible, but that’s a lot of $$$ over time.
Rain gauge is back on the pole. This came from Igor’s grandparents yard after they passed away.


I’m going to set up a few blocks as a platform for this bucket so that it will gravity feed the nutrient solution I’m using for the dragon fruit. It’ll be easier to fill the bucket and mix the nutrients and then use the hose than using a watering can. At this point I don’t know how much each container will take each week so I’m starting with five gallons. I can get a trash can later if necessary for more volume.

Bulk trash is out! OMG what a mess that was. I swept the rubble path off and I’m putting some of the logs back as we really need that border. Still looking for wood for the beds.

Your weather must be nicer to be able to get so much done outside. It has to be a relief to be done with the extreme heat you all were having.
Your weather must be nicer to be able to get so much done outside. It has to be a relief to be done with the extreme heat you all were having.
It definitely is! We are supposed to be in the 70’s now for the next week, and morning temps are still pretty pleasant.

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