Future plans for 2025! Breeding for large meaties, barring, lacing and EE

Actually they do effect color. We will just have to agree to disagree.

To the person who has the hen laying these eggs. What happens with the white speckling when you wash the egg? Does it disappear while white and then come back once dry?
Yes, they do disappear when wet and I did try washing the bloom off with dish soap but when it dried they reappeared.
The smallest BJG lays small light brown eggs.

SLW lays cream colored with white dots.

BJG left, SLW right

Brown EE has been sleeping in the nest box lately, curious to see if she is trying to be broody or just has an odd habit.

The two large fowl mix pullets seem to of stopped laying. I hope they don’t molt right now, it’s a bit too cold for that!
Huh. Okay!
Here is an example of a heavy bloom, similar to the OP's egg in question. These eggs are all from the same breed of chicken, one of these hens lays a very heavy bloom. Which actually causes her eggs to look like a completely different color. The bloom is whitish and appears to be kind of matte/chalky. When it is wet it actually disappears and you can see the egg is the same brown underneath. The subsequent photos were taken within about a minute while the egg dried, and you can see the original color (bloom) returns as it dries. Bloom can effect eggs color greatly. We mostly breed for actual pigment (blue and brown which are also responsible for green eggs when bred together) but I am aware of some that also select for blooms because it alters the end egg color, by subtly changing the color or finish on the egg.

The egg in my photos looks more purple in person because of the matte finish on top of the brown. That is solely caused by the heavy bloom on the egg, no other pigment gene is doing that.


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Yes, they do disappear when wet and I did try washing the bloom off with dish soap but when it dried they reappeared.
I posted a photo of one of my heavy bloom eggs wet and then while it dries. The matte white speckling is very similar to eggs I've seen laid here and on others farms and as far as I am aware it is the bloom that causes that. Nothing is actually wrong with the egg, just how her body lays them. I know people who actually select for heavy blooms when breeding for egg colors because that is the only way to achieve certain shades/colors of eggs.
Here is an example of a heavy bloom, similar to the OP's egg in question. These eggs are all from the same breed of chicken, one of these hens lays a very heavy bloom. Which actually causes her eggs to look like a completely different color. The bloom is whitish and appears to be kind of matte/chalky. When it is wet it actually disappears and you can see the egg is the same brown underneath. The subsequent photos were taken within about a minute while the egg dried, and you can see the original color (bloom) returns as it dries. Bloom can effect eggs color greatly. We mostly breed for actual pigment (blue and brown which are also responsible for green eggs when bred together) but I am aware of some that also select for blooms because it alters the end egg color, by subtly changing the color or finish on the egg.

The egg in my photos looks more purple in person because of the matte finish on top of the brown. That is solely caused by the heavy bloom on the egg, no other pigment gene is doing that.
Oh okay! That is really cool, but also makes some sense now because one of our Cuckoo Marans lays eggs like that.
Sub zero weather leads to frozen eggs and frostbit roos :( I hope the really cold weather is behind us now and the warmer days will get the flock roaming around again. I’m making slop for the chickens and taking water out to them because they don’t want to walk to the house where their heated water bowl is. Boiled winter squash, frozen/thawed egg, chopped up venison heart and some of their starter mash.

Someone was hiding eggs under a hunting shack, tiny frozen pullet eggs so who knows how long they’ve been there. I think it was the light Brahma with the zip tie band. Pretty sure she lays the egg on the left, hers seem to be darker on the pointy end. Buff lays the one on the right.

Egg production is low, haven’t gotten any eggs from the bantam, the olive egger, specked green layer, or either large fowl mixes. The white large fowls seem to be having a soft molt. Been seeing some white feathers here and there and pin feathers are appearing.
Starting to get more eggs, finally. I can mostly tell who lays what now but it gets difficult with a few of them. Namely the SLW, buff, barred/laced, and other BJGs who all lay some shade of brown. I’ll be trying to keep track a bit more in preparation for egg collecting. At least I know the eggs I want to hatch for meat birds and EE.
LF- left is the bigger hen, right is the bresse hen.
LB- left is the banded hen, right is the one who often lays specked on egg.
BJG- non banded hen.
More comparisons, LF on the left and the one banded BJG on the right, she is the largest of the 3 and the one I may keep.
Got 8 eggs today, most I’ve had in a while! Colored eggs from top to bottom, brown EE, brown OE, legbar EE.

Not 100% on top brown egg but maybe bresse, barred/laced with all the white dots, light brahma.
12 eggs yesterday and 9 today. More comparisons for future reference.
Left to right we have light brahma, buff, bresse, and I think barred/laced.

We got more snow and will be getting even more in the next day or two. Temps to drop to single digits through the week. BJG roo is handling the cold temps better than my poor blue copper maran who seems miserable with his frostbit comb. I’m a little worried about fertility because Pretty Boy doesn’t seem all the active in that department. I’ll do some cracking and checking of eggs next week in preparation for the gathering of hatching eggs.

I continue to be amazed by the frizzle hen, Mo, who seems completely unbothered by the cold. If only she would lay eggs so I could hatch some. My dark brahma is also not laying yet but I think her comb is getting redder? Just may have 2 hatches this year if both decide to lay and someone decides to go broody.

Currently working on my checklist for brooding come early April. Bought a couple feeders and water cups that’ll need to be drilled into a bucket later. Plan to head to TSC and Family Farm next week to get a heat lamp, flake bedding, chick starter/meat bird crumbles, and check prices on supplies for making a chicken tractor.

Once the weather gets a bit nicer I’ll be attempting to rehome the BJG roo and 2 hens, plus the prairie blue bell. Still debating on if I want to sell one of the light brahmas and an EE. Maybe I’ll just wait till fall when I make my final decisions on who stays and who goes… the most pressing matter right now is getting the chicken tractor built.

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