fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Third or fourth night in a row Hannah has been in the nest box after dark. No. Three broodies this year is enough. So I have been taking her out of the box and putting her on the roost. Tonight after I placed her there she flew back down from the roost and started harassing Tamar and her brood in the middle box...in the dark! So I tried putting Hannah back on the roost, and she did it again! I will NOT have her harassing the other broodies and the chicks, so I put her under a laundry basket in the run, for the night. She was still there when the motion sensor light went off.
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From tonight:

Third or fourth night in a row Hannah has been in the nest box after dark. No. Three broodies this year is enough. So I have been taking her out of the box and putting her on the roost. Tonight after I placed her there she flew back down from the roost and started harassing Tamar and her brood in the middle box...in the dark! So I tried putting Hannah back on the roost, and she did it again! I will NOT have her harassing the other broodies and the chicks, so I put her under a laundry basket in the run, for the night. She was still there when the motion sensor light went off.
And when I walked the dog the laundry basket was empty.
Hannah had forced her way into Tamar's box, trapping Tamar in the back. One of the chicks escaped and was by itself in an empty nest box.

Hannah is now under a wire basket, weighted down with two bricks. I'll think about a better solution tomorrow.
Early bird hen laid an egg before 6:30!

Unfortunately I put my thumb through it.

The flock appreciated a couple scrambled eggs shortly thereafter. Oh, except Hannah, who's apparently now superglued herself in a nest box...

Pink chick (boy) and Aqua chick did some wholehearted sparring. They're 4 weeks old.

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