fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Last night I went out to the coop after dark, and noted that everyone seemed to be in their place: Zacchaeus on the A-frame, hens on the roost, including Hannah, woo!

Rahab was also on the roost, had her chicks umbrella'd:

And Tamar was in the nest box with her two chicks...

...wait, three? ⬆️



Limey: "Mom, can I spend the night at Blue and Aqua's? Their mom is okay with it..."

I love my chickens, they make me laugh.
And the drama continues...

I think it's Hannah causing all the issues, she was blocking access to the roost last night. Rahab had taken her crew to a nest box, Tamar had hers in the box next to it, Zack was roosting on the back of the chair, and the three Dominiques were on the A-frame. I took Hannah down and placed the Dominiques on the main roost. Despite it being fully dark Hannah ran away from me and finally flew up on the roost on her own! She must have good night vision.

I think Hannah needs Zack to grow up. She was always snuggling up to the rooster in charge, and has been a pain since Samuel was culled.

Make sense? Ever had something similar happen with your flock?



I think Hannah needs Zack to grow up. She was always snuggling up to the rooster in charge, and has been a pain since Samuel was culled.

Make sense? Ever had something similar happen with your flock?
Could very well be. They do have their separate personalities and way of doing things.

They are always surprising me! Right now I have a 10 year old Cream Legbar. Her name is Miss Dot.(Full sister to Daisy, who passed a while back and Dixie.) She still lays some each year and always been healthy. Smallest but loudest bird in my flock. When she sings the egg song it echos off the woods behind the house. :gig Never been broody in her life.

Guess what?
2 days ago she went to the nest box at roosting time. Thought she wasn't feeling well. Put her on the roost. Same the next night but she fluffed up and fussed a bit.

Today she is full on broody! Went to get her out of the nest box and she raised her hackles, fussing and pecked me. I sat her on the floor and she plopped right down like a pancake. I took her 3 eggs. She was mad! Had to send her to broody jail as I have no fertile eggs and it is so hot. Hate to let her brood in this heat. She is clucking and pacing, feathers all poofed up. :lol:

Never would have thought an hen would go broody for the first time so late in life. :idunno Surpise!
Thank you!

I appreciate the input from you experts.

I am fairly certain that three of the chicks are boys: yellow, pink, and aqua.

The remaining...

View attachment 3874972
Purple (girl?)

View attachment 3874973
Blue (girl?)

View attachment 3874975
Limey (girl?). :fl

I can get photos of the other three if you want to compare.
All of their combs look very similar to me, and I think based on how large the known boys’ combs are that these are all probably pullets.

I hate how uncertain you feel during the first 6-8 weeks. My Dominique “pullet” is looking lighter in color than I expected, but at 2.5 weeks old I can’t feel confident guessing “her” gender yet. It stresses me out!:th

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