Gander hurting goose :(

Oneacre Homestead

8 Years
May 25, 2011
Hi, this morning we went to let the geese - a trio -out of their pen and one of the geese was badly beat up by the gander. She didn't move at all for awhile and her face has a littlE blood on it. Now she is up and around but she is staying away from the other birds and moving slowly. Is this normal ? I don't want her to end up dead or allow her to be tortured. I just got rid of a drake because he was being hurt and prevented from eating by this gander. I know it is breeding season... But what do you people think? This is my first spring with adult geese.
Two females , one
male .
I read another post about a gander that decapitated a goose!! Horror. The consensus there was to put him in the freezer.
It's virtually unheard of for a gander to injure a goose. Are you absolutely certain that you didn't get some other predator inside your pen?

Could she have been spooked and run into the wire at full tilt and bruised her spine and cut her face?
Story time: the lady I got my big Blue gander from thought he killed his mate. She was going to put him down, but fortunately for the gander, the dogs who killed the goose were back the next night to finish off a large percentage of her flock.

That person was absolutely certain that dogs couldn't get inside her fencing. The gander would have been put down for nothing. He's a very gentle boy and doesn't even injure the other gander in the flock. If bluffing doesn't work, he is out of ideas.
Hi, this morning we went to let the geese - a trio -out of their pen and one of the geese was badly beat up by the gander. She didn't move at all for awhile and her face has a littlE blood on it. Now she is up and around but she is staying away from the other birds and moving slowly. Is this normal ? I don't want her to end up dead or allow her to be tortured. I just got rid of a drake because he was being hurt and prevented from eating by this gander. I know it is breeding season... But what do you people think? This is my first spring with adult geese.
Could it maybe he has this one special girl and doesn't want the other one around so he is being mean to her? I can't say for sure since my gander is in love with a Muscovy duck[long story] but he will chase and push the other ducks away like he doesn't even want them near his mamma/ girlfriend.
My husband saw him on top of her biting her, so yes, I'm sure. My neighbor said maybe my pool is not deep enough for them to mate. It's a baby pool about 8 in deep. Then we were saying maybe he only likes the other female and not this one.
I talked to my husband and he said he saw it all- that he shoved her into a corner and was attacking her, so maybe it is because he only likes the other one. Do you all think a raccoon would kill geese? I was thinking of moving the happy couple to a new place, fenced, but a raccoon could get in.
It is unusual behaviour and what breed is it as Embden males tend to be quite aggressive as Spring appraoches. Maybe he's fully bonded with the other female or as others have said, are you 100% certain that the bird being bullied is female?

It seems best that no matter what the reason is, the bonded pair should be housed alone and left to breed as other percieved intruders may well receive the same treatment.

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