Gapeworm? Respitory? Or something else?


In the Brooder
May 7, 2023
Hello I am a teenager writing this and I'm a bit panicked so my Grammer might be bad. We would go to our vet but he's out of office for a week so we're trying to do what we can until then. Chicken seems to be gaping and showing other symptoms as listed below. Can provide videos and any asked context!
-Stinky poop + not usual color (color can be from new feed)
- Sneezing, head shaking, head scratching (worse at night), gaping (rarely only saw once so far), quickly worsening symptoms, weight loss, ect
Here's some added context: they are 5 years old, both have reproductive cancer & monthly injections + a recent X-ray so nothing seems to be pressing, they are a barred rock & buff orphington both retired egg layers, we had three hens but one passed away because we diagnosed cancer too late (tumor pressing lungs) + despite receiving medicne to help remove fluid buildup she had aswell she passed within 48 hours after the medicne her comb went purple and her lungs filled with fluid(she was looking sick for awhile before then but it was very slight since they hide illness) A few days later one of our chickens was sneezing (sweetpea), then (hope) head shaking, diahrea and eventually greenish poo, and then they kept doing this until they were sounding weird, had digesting problems and conspiration, and hope had fluid come out of her mouth, so we got them antibiotics because the vet thought it was bacteria respitory and they were doing better after they finished there medicne that lasted 2 weeks or more shortly after they were sneezing again, it's been more then a month since we originally found they were sick and did treatment until a week ago. There symptoms are a bit different from before, hope has weight loss now, I don't see fluid yet, gaping wasn't there before, the poo is now more of a yellowish color then green but still brownish and full no diarrhea or digestive issues like before and I can hear a bit of strain in there voice + slightly struggling to breathe hardly noticeable. I think there immune system lowered and they got parasites or they have chronic respitory disease but I am unsure.
A video would probably help.Are two individual chickens sick?
I only have two chickens and both are sick. Here's a video!
(Also they live outside they just stay temporarily with me inside at night on a perch so I can monitor them) I also have a video of my other chicken doing the same but head shaking while gapeing I can add as well.
Hello I am a teenager writing this and I'm a bit panicked so my Grammer might be bad. We would go to our vet but he's out of office for a week so we're trying to do what we can until then. Chicken seems to be gaping and showing other symptoms as listed below. Can provide videos and any asked context!
-Stinky poop + not usual color (color can be from new feed)
- Sneezing, head shaking, head scratching (worse at night), gaping (rarely only saw once so far), quickly worsening symptoms, weight loss, ect
Here's some added context: they are 5 years old, both have reproductive cancer & monthly injections + a recent X-ray so nothing seems to be pressing, they are a barred rock & buff orphington both retired egg layers, we had three hens but one passed away because we diagnosed cancer too late (tumor pressing lungs) + despite receiving medicne to help remove fluid buildup she had aswell she passed within 48 hours after the medicne her comb went purple and her lungs filled with fluid(she was looking sick for awhile before then but it was very slight since they hide illness) A few days later one of our chickens was sneezing (sweetpea), then (hope) head shaking, diahrea and eventually greenish poo, and then they kept doing this until they were sounding weird, had digesting problems and conspiration, and hope had fluid come out of her mouth, so we got them antibiotics because the vet thought it was bacteria respitory and they were doing better after they finished there medicne that lasted 2 weeks or more shortly after they were sneezing again, it's been more then a month since we originally found they were sick and did treatment until a week ago. There symptoms are a bit different from before, hope has weight loss now, I don't see fluid yet, gaping wasn't there before, the poo is now more of a yellowish color then green but still brownish and full no diarrhea or digestive issues like before and I can hear a bit of strain in there voice + slightly struggling to breathe hardly noticeable. I think there immune system lowered and they got parasites or they have chronic respitory disease but I am unsure.
Sorry I meant they have been coughing! I mixed sneezing and coughing by accident. We gave them some vet rx and organic dewormer but they don't look much better yet however it's been one day, we also have some dewormer on the way. We've never wormed them before and we think it could be worms, air mites, or respitory or a mix so we're trying to home treat until we can get them to the vet! Any recommendations would be great!
What her crop like? I'd check to make sure the crop is emptying overnight.

Do you see any lesions, mucous or canker inside the beak?
I don't see any lesions, mucous or canker inside the beak. Hopes crop emptied sweetpeas didn't empty fully but it was very small and not impacted but not to squishy either (I think it's because she ate a lot of grit yesterday). I saw one of them gape again last night it looked like she was struggling to breathe and stretching her neck out but she was ok this morning. There swallowing has gotten a bit louder after some natural dewormer (regular is on the way) and vetrx in the water.

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