Gender guess 4 week Barnevelder

I think you’re all right. I was freaking myself out prematurely!
How are your babies going? I’ll attach a pic of my 18 week old pullet. I would love to see how yours have developed & who turned out to be pullets/cockerels
Was Ronnie a boy? I’m having the same issue with mine. The first two have more of the pattern and the last two are more solid black but I’ve noticed they have very mix matched features.


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Was Ronnie a boy? I’m having the same issue with mine. The first two have more of the pattern and the last two are more solid black but I’ve noticed they have very mix matched features.
Ronnie turned out to be a lovely cockerel. Out of yours, I’m thinking at least 1, 2, and 4 are cockerels, and possibly 3 as well. I’m just going off the comb size, really. They’re got pretty big combs. How old are they?

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