Girl Moments. Are You Living Through Them?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
My youngest daughter started to cry. She told me that she did not know why she was crying or why she was upset. She had been ill tempered the entire day. Anyway, I sent her to her room, not as punishment but so that she could have time to control herself.

Sarah has always been a bit spoiled by her two older brothers. So, hearing her cry, upset my 16 year old son, Chris. He went into her room and began to worriedly ask her how he could help her. I could hear that his concern was more annoying to her then helpful.

Finally, my daughter shouted, "I am having a girl moment, Chris. You can't help me because you are a boy!"

I just thought that was funny.

Are any of living with girls who are entering the times when they have girl moments?
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Aww! What a sweet big brother!

And heehee..have fun with the hormones.. You better duck..
Yeah. After two boys, I was not prepared for the hormonal nature of girls entering puberty. Oh my!

Both my daughters have gotten the sillies in ways that their brothers never did. My sons could be silly but the girls have silliness and giggling down to an art.

So we have crying fits and giggling fits.

Yeah, Chris is a sweetie.
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My five year old DD seems like going thru a girl moment.....typical LOL! Probably just a BAD day.

Your son, I hope, he will develop some empathy toward girls thru the hormones and periods.....that would make him a very understanding man if he has some understanding. My husband is one of those "women empathy" guys and would go out of his way to comfort you or just give you space if you need it.

I am not ready for her to be a teenager LOL!
We are the same age, Miss Prissy.

Yep. Sometimes, I have girl moments also.

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