Gotta Tell Someone!!!! SHE DID IT!!!!!

First time mine squatted they laid an egg a week later and that was the same for all of them
Yes another of Suedes Sons. ,I wanted a blue so bad but couldn,t seem to get one. So when I saw this splash I named stormy I caved and got him and a pullet splash as well. They are pretty. Gloria Jean
I am hoping to get a splash pullet for Ultrasuede- Suede is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome.

I think once you hear the egg song, you will know what it is- it's very distinct. The first time I heard it was when I heard my neighbor's chickens sing it- it's amazing.
Way to go Cora! No not at all I love getting the eggs just after they are laid - they are so warm and like little heaters in your hands!! Many more eggs to follow. Start a calendar/journal of all the eggs laid. We did last year and it was so cool to see the total - we got about 1052 eggs from 10 hens from June to December. We also track by color - Brown, White, Green and Tan.

Again, Congrats to you and Cora!!


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