Granny's gone and done it again

I actually grew up in Denver. At the moment I am in the Heartland of America, not really the South at all. SE MO. I've lived in many states. Let's see, hmm. Arizona, Montana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Utah, Washington, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and now Missouri. I think that's all. Ten.
I want to visit Colorado someday. Which is your favorite? MO?
What wattage bulbs are those?
That’s my brother’s dream car too. He likes older models though.
My dad had this one
want to visit Colorado someday. Which is your favorite? MO?
No, actually MO is my LEAST favorite! It's cold and humid with unsettled weather, or it's HOT and humid and it has ticks. It causes my arthritis and fibro to flare and I hurt all the time. NM is my favorite. But ... my DH lives here, so here I'll stay.

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