Granny's gone and done it again

Thank you! This is Berry, below. I used to get them mixed up. But Cherry has red wings, Berry has a red breast. I think they are the prettiest in the flock. And from the beginning they were the biggest, but very sweet. Wish I had some idea what they might be (I mean yeah, EE, but ... WHAT???). The red one in the background is Emma. Rainboe is not in this shot, lol.
View attachment 3045156the one with white and red looks a bit like salmon Faverolle mix.
Eight year old Nigerian dairy goat. She's dry now. Just waiting until she's done baking those little uns'.
She's the matriarch and foundation of our small goat herd.View attachment 3045266
LOL that tongue!
at least you're both "lusty"
Why are they going back to the Corolla name ?
Well, they do have a corolla hatchback that's probably why. Body is based off that.
Enjoy the walk. I'll enjoy decent fuel economy. (which, good god the price of gas)
Tough. Lots of bad things happened but in the scheme of life no one died.
huge hugs going your way. Even if it's a "nobody died", I still send you hugs.
shoot I coming in a porche! DREAM CAR! *Alert*
View attachment 3045309
See, I'm more practical. Couldn't easily (without causing a mess anyway) haul bales of hay in that coupe. Would be a PITA with the dog. And sure, you'd get plenty of smiles per gallon, but probably not very good miles per gallon. (once a long-commuter, this stuff sticks in your brain) but hey, this corolla...manual transmission? actual handbrake? (not the parking brakes so many modern vehicles have - my truck included) now that would give me smiles per gallon PLUS should net me decent miles per gallon too. (can't be worse than my 16-17 in my truck). Hatchback? Provided I can fold those rear seats down, that's a win. Can still do the tarp/hay bale trick, and can fit a dog back there too.

PS, a porche? Thought you were from Michigan, shouldn't you be all about the fords? ;)

A volvo 245 however, lay down a tarp and you can haul bales of hay with ease. f150 with ecoboost wouldn't get as good mileage as the 245 but could haul loads with ease (and plenty of room for dog, chicken feed, etc)

Sigh. About ready to smack the hubs. So I'm really trying to watch what I eat, get on the exercise mode to get that bp and glucose crap under control (though I still think the uncrustable I had before the doc appointment probably DID play a part in that...buuuut I do have diabetes in the family sooo....)

So thinking ok, get off work and take the pup for a walk. Well, except I was at the office a full day because he was at home (cesar chavez day). Of course he was starving. so I figure ok, fine I'll make dinner and do a workout dvd after.

So feed him and he goes off to play CoD and I toddle off to the Land of Spare Oom to pop a workout dvd in the old ps3...(ohhh that remote is having issues now by the way friends) and it Did. Not. Want. To. Work. Controller issue combined with a new update...(well the ps button on that controller is going out so I now figure). frustration, so ok, still got the wii, fetch some fresh batteries for one of those controllers and away I go with some Zumba. After that, start looking up cheap dvd players on amazon since well, if the ps3 is out of commission, I need something to play dvds on to get my workout on.

He comes in all grumpy between rounds. Why do you need this? Can't your computer play a dvd? (nope, the case doesn't support dvdrom, I could get an external one I guess, but then we're still looking at the same cost). Can't your laptop? Ok, laptop is now a WORK laptop, and I'd need extra software to play the dvds. sorry not sorry. So he fudges with it, gets the ps3 working. But still. Ugh. Freaking turd. Give your wife a LITTLE FREAKING SUPPORT.

Goose was VERY interested when I started the uncoordinated booty shaking in the name of fitness though lol. I fear for the day when I attempt yoga around him...

THREE of my girls are broody right now. I'm really tempted to get some 'scovy eggs off a neighbor friend of mine (she's offered!) and let my cochin hatch them. She's one angry protective mama!
The car i learned how to drive on was a 5 speed toyota corolla. Sure, it wasn't anything super exciting, but heck. It was a practical, good, reliable car.
It ran on and on. Mom and Dad used it, gave it to me, and we sold it to a relative of hubby's who sold it to another relative etc.

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