Granny's gone and done it again

that is how a female friend of mine knew who "Mister Right" was as she was comfortable "tooting" around him

Ahh, Thats why I have so many Mr. Rights !!
You know your dog has bad gas and you should vacate the room when they toot while sleeping turn their heads , sniff and then get up and move.
We had a Rhodesian Ridgeback that had the most indescribably putrid farts. She could clear a room in seconds. It would make you gag! Soon as we heard one spooting out, we'd all react and blech and ugh and oh Rhoda! and the poor dog would slink out of the room. I blamed Alpo! She only got a little bit in her kibble at dinner, but it must have caused most of her intestinal turmoil. That, and when dad trimmed hooves. We'd try to keep them from her, but she always manged to get some. Whoo-whee. Stink-o-rama!

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