Granny's gone and done it again

Is that akin to the shoot shovel and shut up saying?;)

The Amish are for the most part, good folks but they have strange ways. When we moved in the middle of this community we asked somebody if they had any advice for us and they said, yeah, if you have goats or cows make sure they can't get out because if they get in with and Amish herd you will never see them again.

We've had Amish here more than once asking 'Hey hev ye seen a steer in yur pasture or timber? We got one thet's loose and we be lookin fer it.' Ummmm no but if we see one, we will drop a rope around it's neck and drag it home.

More than once I have said to my husband, or tie it up behind the barn and see how fast we can get it to the processors......

I also swear that if I see a black horse tied up in the July sun one more time I'm gonna either turn it loose, bring it home or lead it over to the water tank, let it drink then tie it up in the shade. My dad was born in Berks county PA and raised amid the Pennsylvania Duetch. He could speak the language and was a horseman. I swear his ashes are whipping around in their grave at the thought of the way they treat their animals.
No we have a lot of illegal immigrants and other hungry people. They are well versed in how to butcher their own meat.
Is that akin to the shoot shovel and shut up saying?;)

The Amish are for the most part, good folks but they have strange ways. When we moved in the middle of this community we asked somebody if they had any advice for us and they said, yeah, if you have goats or cows make sure they can't get out because if they get in with and Amish herd you will never see them again.

We've had Amish here more than once asking 'Hey hev ye seen a steer in yur pasture or timber? We got one thet's loose and we be lookin fer it.' Ummmm no but if we see one, we will drop a rope around it's neck and drag it home.

More than once I have said to my husband, or tie it up behind the barn and see how fast we can get it to the processors......

I also swear that if I see a black horse tied up in the July sun one more time I'm gonna either turn it loose, bring it home or lead it over to the water tank, let it drink then tie it up in the shade. My dad was born in Berks county PA and raised amid the Pennsylvania Duetch. He could speak the language and was a horseman. I swear his ashes are whipping around in their grave at the thought of the way they treat their animals.
Their puppy mills are atrocious also.
doing ok, How many chickens are you up to?
well hmmmm.......

1. Eight 5-week old babies
2. One 8-week old Fuzzy Araucana boy
3. Three 14-week old Araucana cross pullets and 2 cockerels
4. Three Australorp Hens.....

My first Araucana roo got killed by a dog couple months ago and one of my Australorp hen died a month back....

hatched 3 batches of eggs this year... am spending 3 hours every morning cleaning their run & feeding them.... up at 6am and bedtime at 11.30pm.. yeah... busy busy busy...

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