Granny's gone and done it again

I wonder how many people have had heart issues cured because of the american heart association. My guess is "they" are much more interested in treating the condition than curing it, treating it means continued cash flow for pharmaceuticals. Curing the condition means the cash flow to the doctor stops when the problem is fixed.
So my conclusion is that this procedure is so effective that "they" have to make it sound dangerous. I wouldn't start with ice cold water, I would start with ambient temperature water such as a pool in the backyard. Do it during the day at first and slowly acclimate your body to do it in the morning to get that heart a pumpin' first thing. Note: acclimate yourself slowly, don't fill your pool with ice cubes and water and jump in.

Same thing with them telling us o

Yes! So has my wife. It gives your skin a tingly feeling. . . and. . . it can be addictive because of the rush it gives you. Overall we've found that we feel much more invigorated and refreshed throughout the day.
Same thing with telling us how dangerous salt is. Try going with out salt and see how long you can live. When you get off ultra processed food you need lots of salt.
Same thing with telling us how dangerous salt is. Try going with out salt and see how long you can live. When you get off ultra processed food you need lots of salt.
I was at my drs once and didnt know what was going on with me. I remember parts of it but not all. I was wandering the hallways After the dr had seen me Another dr came out and asked if I was ok then my dr came out and very hatefully said Im done with you. Leave. This new dr took ahold of me and took me to her room. She looked me over and checked my blood work and I was very low in salt. She gave me something. Salt tablets maybe and switched me over to her.
Got back from the vet with Gracie. She got her Rabies shot. Her teeth, what's left of them look pretty bad. I swear I found a piece of tooth on the carpet yesterday. Anyway, vet said no, we don't want to put her to sleep to clean teeth. We'll just let her be for her last days. He was listening to her heart and asked if anything had been said about her heart murmur. No, nothing had ever been said. I was telling him later how she'll just be laying somewhere quietly and then yelp/scream, jump up and walk off whatever it was that hurt. He mentioned her heart murmur againg saying..that heart murmur is quite concerning. Sounds like it's quite significant. My Gracie will be on pain meds and seizure meds until she passes. She still acts like her quality of life is better than that she has meds on board helping.
Got back from the vet with Gracie. She got her Rabies shot. Her teeth, what's left of them look pretty bad. I swear I found a piece of tooth on the carpet yesterday. Anyway, vet said no, we don't want to put her to sleep to clean teeth. We'll just let her be for her last days. He was listening to her heart and asked if anything had been said about her heart murmur. No, nothing had ever been said. I was telling him later how she'll just be laying somewhere quietly and then yelp/scream, jump up and walk off whatever it was that hurt. He mentioned her heart murmur againg saying..that heart murmur is quite concerning. Sounds like it's quite significant. My Gracie will be on pain meds and seizure meds until she passes. She still acts like her quality of life is better than that she has meds on board helping.
I know your doing your best Cynthia. Its a good thing she has her meds on board and I hope she stays out of pain for a very long time. :hugs ❤️

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