Granny's gone and done it again

Nice and cool here. Time for bed. Just keep having light-headed/dizzy moments. Can't figure it. Labs on Tuesday showed my sodium and glucose are good now. I'm drinking like in supposed to so shouldn't be dehydrated. I haven't had an entyvio infusion for 2 weeks.I give up. Anybody have any ideas? Hate going to sleep when I feel like this, I'm afraid I may not wake up again😒
I had a scare yesterday with the not breathing thing then a cough attack yesterday during a nap. Then at night I felt like what you're saying. I've been feeling pretty off the last few days. I finally thought to take my BP. 167/111. Yeah. Took a bit of BP meds. Brought it down pretty quick. Too quick. Guess I should watch my BP better.
Sounds like you are doing the things you should be doing. I had those and doc sent me to PT to get the crystals in my inner ears realigned. Talk to your doc about that.
Epley maneuver. I have to do it every now and again. I fo it myself now. I would be making ridiculous amounts of trips to the doc. :(
He has medicare. We will have to start paying the premium . I dont know how much that is now and his meds cost thousands . I wont have the money to pay 20% of that.
A lot of times things are accepted by insurance only. Let's hope that kicks in. I get reports of what has been paid by my ins. It's never all the way paid. Knocking on wood. No bills for so much I've had done.
Granny with Medicare Advantage through UHC there is no premium and no copay for primary care doc and many prescriptions are free without copay.
We keep telling her..but she isn't..listening! Call Granny. Maybe you didn't want to before because you were afraid it was going to take away from what you had. Well now, you may not have.

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