Granny's gone and done it again

I know how those things hurt. I hope it goes easy for you. I was in pain for a week after
The first one I got about 14 months ago were a breeze and really worked for me. I was not expecting them to last from June of last year until now. My left hip is radiating pain out into my left leg again.
I made a frittata for dinner tonight. Sauteed onions in a little oil and "plant-based butter" which is really pretty much just margarine, added some previously cooked diced potatoes, some chopped spinach and plant-based mozzarella cheese in a cast-iron skillet with garlic, then poured over all that six eggs beaten with 1/4 c almond milk and a little salt. Decorated top with grape tomatoes cut in half then cooked on stove a few minutes till edges were set, then in 400° oven 15 - 20 min till set. It was delicious! I was pleasantly surprised bc of all the substitutions.
I made a frittata for dinner tonight. Sauteed onions in a little oil and "plant-based butter" which is really pretty much just margarine, added some previously cooked diced potatoes, some chopped spinach and plant-based mozzarella cheese in a cast-iron skillet with garlic, then poured over all that six eggs beaten with 1/4 c almond milk and a little salt. Decorated top with grape tomatoes cut in half then cooked on stove a few minutes till edges were set, then in 400° oven 15 - 20 min till set. It was delicious! I was pleasantly surprised bc of all the substitutions.
I enjoy my eggs best fried about 8 weeks after hatching.
Slow but worth it! My head now turns with no pain in all directions. Plus I don't have to walk around with my arm up on my head to ease the horrible pain. I remember when I stood in front of the MRI images the dr was showing me. He says, look at that big ol blown disc, and these 2. I stood there for as long as I could without putting my arm up. Then I just had to. He looks at me and says ..yep..see this often to ease the pain.
I asked what that was below the 3 he pointed out. He told me they were bad also but aren't causing any problems..will do those later He says. :( Well, I can feel them acting up at times. Not nearly as bad as the ones taken care of. This time I move my head a different way I to a different position to help with the pain.
Granny, with my first bad ones, I also had really bad pain shooting down between my shoulder blade..left one. Are you having pain down by your mid back? Had to do therapy first. Of course that did nothing.
I don't have the 'raise your arm for relief' sort of pain. Mine is 'I can't hold my head upright any longer I need to lean it back against something or it's going to break off' kind of pain. Most of my pain is at the base of my neck and about midway down my neck. I think C3/4 are the worse on me. I'd have to look at my MRI again. It's either 2/3 or 3/4. What sent me to the doctor was every time I sneezed hard or coughed hard I would have lightning bolt pain shoot down my left arm and the left side of my neck and I couldn't move my arm for about 5 minutes. I also couldn't reach behind me without getting the lightning bolt pain shooting from my neck to my fingertips.

I still have the pain when I sneeze or cough hard but the pain at the base of my neck is an old friend now that I could really live without.

You can turn your head without pain? Wow. That would be cool. I can only turn my head about 20 degrees to the left. Makes it hard to look behind me when I'm driving but I've learned to swivel around in the car seat.

I have to salute you having the surgery. Frankly I'm scared to death to have any spine surgery done. My father had a double laminectomy back when they just started doing them and they messed him up for life. He lived with pain and problems with his back and legs for the rest of his life. Talked to the doctors about it and they said, oh, it's come a long way since then.

Didn't do much to ease my apprehensions. But then I'm not all that enthusiastic about RF Ablation either. :rolleyes:
I have the appointment on Oct 15th I think. Could me the 16th. About 3 weeks from now.
You should check and see if the hospital where you had it done has a 'patient portal' where you can sign in and see your results. All the hospitals here have it. Sometimes you can see the results by the end of the day of testing. It's great.

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