Granny's gone and done it again

She raises them for agility. Her dogs have won so many ribbons and metals.... They are sought after too. She has a web site for them. I'm not remembering what it is. My favorite s of hers are the solid white one and Mr. Magoo

Here are some I bred. My friend in Texas has these.
It’s fun but so much work. And expensive. We show our dogs and get a championship then we do all health testing. PWDs have some diseases we can screen for plus we always check their hips before we breed. We used to have lots of dysplasia in our breed before screening. They are pretty healthy breed now. Of course autoimmune keeps popping up. The last couple weeks are hard. They are like a pack of wolf puppies. Those needle teeth.
I bet that is expensive! My bill was just $125. This time. They used the exrays from the ER. So I paid for the visit and two medications.
He only drives local. I go with him if he goes farther. If he gets lost he calls me. I tell him to go to the nearest place with an address on the sign. I put that in my GPS and stay on the phone till he knows where he's at. But I've been doing that about 2 years already
Do you have a tracker on his phone?
He only drives local. I go with him if he goes farther. If he gets lost he calls me. I tell him to go to the nearest place with an address on the sign. I put that in my GPS and stay on the phone till he knows where he's at. But I've been doing that about 2 years already
that's scary. If it is dementia the sooner he starts the meds the better. I hope you get some answers soon. I also have Drs Monday Tom too with heart Dr.
that's scary. If it is dementia the sooner he starts the meds the better. I hope you get some answers soon. I also have Drs Monday Tom too with heart Dr.
When he first started having problems I had him change GI Drs because they didn't welcome my input. Right now his Drs all speak to me. After I got settled with that crazy dentist that didn't allow him to call for me

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