Granny's gone and done it again

Im so tired today. I took a muscle relaxer last night and still feel it. Kevin came and took Robert to Walmarts today. I was out of creamer! :eek: The horror! He will be back tomorrow to take the dogs in. I hope they don't freeze after getting shaved. I needed to wash dishes like yesterday but I guess Im waiting on Nancy now.I have 2 pieces of chicken left. No rice. So much for freezing some of it. Cant blame Robert this time. That was all Tom and I.
Lol! Found the horror of being out of creamer funny! 😂
Tomorrow is back to Lancaster for the Transitional Care Management appointment. Make sure we are taking care of DH right at home so he doesn't end up back in the hospital
:hmm So they send him home then a few days later they worry if you know how to take care of him? Doesnt that pizz you off? I think it would me.

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