Greetings from San Antonio/Pipe Creek area! :)


In the Brooder
Jan 20, 2017
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to the site but this is my first post. This site is awesome and I love looking at all the chick/chicken pictures! My boyfriend and I are the only ones out of my friends group that raises chickens so it's great to have a forum to research tips/tricks and ask questions.

As for our chickens, we just started raising them a few years ago. We have a Buff Orpington rooster (Rocky 3.... RIP Rocky 1 and Rocky 2), some buff, white, and black cochins, and a few silkies. Their babies, however, are all mixed and adorable! My boyfriend calls one of them a hippogriff like Buckbeak from Harry Potter. :D

Looking forward to meeting more of yall and posting on the threads! :)

Jan 2017

The hippogriff!! (female white silkie x buff orpington rooster) and buff cochin x buff orpington....
and Anne in the back :)

The babies!!

One of my favs out of the group... white silkie female x black bantam cochin


Leeloo, our chick mascot! :)

<3 Norchel
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! What a wonderful introduction and fab pics! :clapYour flock is beautiful and it sure does sound like you are enjoying them very much.

Good luck for the future and enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC!
You may want to pop in here to say hi...the Texas thread > #1
Welcome to BYC! Nice flock of feathered beauties and I love the kitty sweater. We leased a ranch in Pipe Creek in the '80s. The last time I was there, I hardly recognized the area it had grown so much. I miss the Hill Country, and the runs into Bandera for Tex Mex at the OST!
Welcome to BYC! Nice flock of feathered beauties and I love the kitty sweater. We leased a ranch in Pipe Creek in the '80s. The last time I was there, I hardly recognized the area it had grown so much. I miss the Hill Country, and the runs into Bandera for Tex Mex at the OST!

Not sure when you were here last but it's growing even more now. They're FINALLY proposing high speed fiber optic internet from BEC in the hill country area. No more satellite and phone hot spots!! And I love OST! It's still there with the same 'ol good food. :)

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