How many slices on your grilled cheese!?!?!?!

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I take supplements (calcium, fish oil, glucosamine, etc.) and that's it. Hubby is on one med (lifelong; anti seizure med) and also takes fish oil and glucosamine.

We're doing our best to keep it this way. Our doctor is fine with this and won't try to push pills on me if, say, my cholesterol is not perfect. I'm doing what I can to bring it down, ie, diet and exercise. No pills needed for that.
Oh wow! That’s awesome!!! :love
There is WAAAAAAY too much sugar in the average American diet. My insurance is sending me emails about "ways to keep my 'pre-diabetes' from progressing." They are ASSUMING that I'm pre-diabetic. Uh, no, I'm not.

The medical community is keeping waaaaay too mum about the :ducfood the average person eats, because that is keeping the drug companies in business. A friend of mine is an internist and was surprised to learn that I am on zero prescription drugs.

Clomp, clomp. Getting off soapbox now.
I just had my annual physical and my cholesterol was slightly high. (Too much processed food lately)
I googled "Top foods to lower cholesterol" and oatmeal was in the top few on every list.

Then I looked up, "How does oatmeal lower cholesterol?" and got NIH studies and the nitty gritty stuff. No, I can't say how oatmeal lowers cholesterol -- most of that went over my head -- but peer reviewed studies carry a lot more weight than someone on the internet saying how their neighbor's mother-in-law's mechanic's best friend lowered his cholesterol by doing 500 jumping jacks while chewing bubble gum every day.

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