Grit for 2 day old chick?


Sep 30, 2024
Hi again! Quick question…do my new babies need grit yet? They’re only 2 days old. I haven’t put any down because I read somewhere they should be older. Am I on the right track?
what do you have for bedding? what I did was just sprinkled a bit over top of their food until they were 6 weeks old and started offering it free choice
LIke @RoyalChick, I put down a bowl of chick grit in their brooder. I start this on Day 3. On Day 6 I start scattering dried mealworms on the puppy pee pads we use to line the bottom of the bin we keep them in. By then I'm pretty sure their little gizzards are charged and ready for the treat. They always do well. The meal worms are part of my nefarious plot to teach them that I'm not the devil, they should come when called, and I am the Giver of All Good Things.
I sprinkle a tiny amount every few days on their food from the day I get them (usually around 2-3 days old).
Because I brood outdoors directly on the ground I know for a fact that they are eating bugs, dirt, bits of debris and anything else they can get in their beaks, so grit is good insurance to help them churn through whatever they take in.

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