Grossly swollen, fluid-filled waddle- rooster


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2022
I’m new to chickens, and my 6 month old rooster has a grossly swollen waddle on one side. Yesterday he was normal. I felt it, and it’s full of fluid, and the fluid is up in his throat area a little, too. He’s breathing with his beak open slightly.

No broken skin, or injury visible. Just purple areas (pinched, maybe??) on the lower part of the waddle.

What could this be and is there anything I should be doing for him? He’s walking around bothering the hens, so he must not feel too bad....but I’m worried for him.


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Does he have mucous in his mouth? How are his poops?

It could be fowl cholera.
Oh no, I hope not!! But from what I just looked up, it seems the diagnosis could definitely apply here 😨
I thought his mouth looked a little ‘juicy’, but then I don’t usually look inside a chicken’s mouth so maybe it was normal. I’ll have to go look more carefully, and also check his poops.

Also, I feel like his other wattle is a little swollen too, and his comb tips are darker than usual....
Is my entire flock doomed if it’s cholera?!
Here is some reading to answer your questions. Yes, it's very contagious and all your flock have been exposed. It's not a given, though, that all will get sick and die.

What state do you live in if in the US? We can check to see if any recent cases have been reported in your area.
I’m not seeing a link to the info, but I will read all I can! Thank you for the antibiotic info.

I live in Missouri.

We’ve cleaned the coop once in 4 months, but my flock free ranges all day every day. I also have guineas and a few ducklings. We’re trying the deep litter method. Could my flock have picked this up from the coop sanitary conditions?? Or how could this have happened?
Thanks for your help.
I don't find any fowl cholera reports in your state. However, if you have any lakes nearby with a lot of migrating water fowl, your chances of this being fowl cholera is greatly increased.

The only other causes of swollen wattles is an insect bite and frostbite. Too early for frostbite, so it may be an allergic reaction to an insect bite. I would try treating for this with children's Benedryl liquid. The dose for a chicken is .5ml directly into the beak. If needed, a second dose may be give 24 hours later. These instructions are critical as it's easy to overdose if any more is given.

I sure hope he gets better. That has to be uncomfortable.

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