Guinea talk.

You are spoiling them with all that delicious food.
It looks like they enjoyed every morsel too. I love to see the turkeys, chickens and guineas all eatting in harmony. You have a lovely flock.
You are spoiling them with all that delicious food.  :D  It looks like they enjoyed every morsel too.  I love to see the turkeys, chickens and guineas all eatting in harmony.  You have a lovely flock.  

That was a rare treat with the fruits and extra veggies. I got those for a good price as they were going bad so the price was .80 for the green mix, $3 for two clam shells of strawberry, oatmeal was cheap same with the sunflower seeds and beef broth.

James and I shop at a discount grocery store called Sharp Shopper and everything is close to 40-75% normal value, i can pick up canned veggies for 50 cents a piece.

And the suet cakes there are only 79 cents everyone loves it.
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Hi I created this thread you are welcome to join. but this is a welcoming thread no fighting or judging.

Hey Clay - I have some news for you. Your soon to be male guinea ate out of my hand this afternoon!
I think you will be able to work with them to eat out of your hand when you get them. They have come a long way! I'll make sure to give you one of their training bells too. They are trained to come in about an hour before sunset to a bell - as long as you have a treat waiting for them. They are a bit flighty, but slow movements and stillness and just hanging out with them will get you a long way.
Will definitely post pics of my babies. I'm guessing the right answer is no but is there anyway to tell boys from girls as babies? Even just possible ways or old wife's tales? I am ordering 7 but 4 are going to a friend. We already agreed to trade if needed but I plan on being pretty handsy with mine and hopefully keep the ones I pick when we get them.
Will definitely post pics of my babies. I'm guessing the right answer is no but is there anyway to tell boys from girls as babies? Even just possible ways or old wife's tales? I am ordering 7 but 4 are going to a friend. We already agreed to trade if needed but I plan on being pretty handsy with mine and hopefully keep the ones I pick when we get them.

The only ones I have been successful on determining the boys from the girls as keets are with the buff dundotte color, as the girls are usually much darker than the boys even as keets. (Of course, I've been wrong a time or two on those as well!) I don't know of any way of telling them apart other than that until they get their "voices". If you listen very closely, you may be able to detect that slight "buckwheat" from the girls at a few weeks of age. Hopefully someone else on here has had more success with this or has some different ideas.
(If you lived closer to me, I'd offer to swap you for whatever you needed.....I'd love to have some royal purples!)

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