Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Jody ya know your gonna get some grief for that but I wuvs ya anyways.
Heelers&Chickens_OhMy :


You got it !!!! exactly my point! but we dont ban Porsches!! we give everyone the option to own one! regardless of their driving record or age even, as long as you can afford it. now i say this carefully *many* average criminals are not going to go thru the trouble and expense to get a automatic weapon, just like a 16yo speed demon is not going to own a porsche. the fact that automatic weapons ARE legal and ARE NOT used in most gun crimes, and Mass shootings are a testament asto why it is OK to let them be legal..... am i talking in circles?? i mean that VA tech and colombine were not perpatrated with automatic weapons, Obviously worrying about them being used in shootings is kinda baseless. i could be VERY wrong, but i cannot think o them being used in ANY high profile mass shooting in the usa.​
nice poster wish I could print it. Lessons from history fade in the face of prosperity. Men who work "and women" have little time for anything else in life.Remember to check the voting records of your elected officials to keep them in check. Our reps care more about their parties position ,their retirement funds, and their personal clout then they do the people. went to the sight it printed on super b, it is now posted on the wall of my shop right by the time clock
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Read it. The author used the term, "waking a sleeping giant," which was exactly what I believe is happening in our country right now.
I quote some very intelligent persons, below:

"This is much bigger than gun laws - they are just the tip 'o the iceberg." Davaroo

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson

"We haven't had a president or congress set on preserving our rights in decades." Horsejody (now, I wanna join !)

We, Americans, chicken-owners/lovers have been lied to, again, just like Americans who have been lied to in this past, by people who are never satisfied with the amount of power they have, and want US to give them more. I have become INDEPENDANT because party has become irrelevant to power addiction OVER the people over the course of my lifetime.

SHAME on Hollywood, who has lied to us over the years. I repeat the quote previously posted:

"tell the same lie often enough and the people will believe it". Hitler, an artist

I am proud of all of us in this thread discussing, in a civil manner our views. Indeed, I am happy to have begun it.

I am ashamed that my generation, A GIANT, has slept for so long, without defending itself.

I am PROUD of everyone who is now joining and standing up for their neighbors and their neighbors rights.

What we need in Washington is a government who will
bad legislation, instead of piling on new laws, which just clouds the issues.

You got it !!!! exactly my point! but we dont ban Porsches!! we give everyone the option to own one! regardless of their driving record or age even, as long as you can afford it. now i say this carefully *many* average criminals are not going to go thru the trouble and expense to get a automatic weapon, just like a 16yo speed demon is not going to own a porsche. the fact that automatic weapons ARE legal and ARE NOT used in most gun crimes, and Mass shootings are a testament asto why it is OK to let them be legal..... am i talking in circles?? i mean that VA tech and colombine were not perpatrated with automatic weapons, Obviously worrying about them being used in shootings is kinda baseless. i could be VERY wrong, but i cannot think o them being used in ANY high profile mass shooting in the usa.

But we have speed limits to prevent the fast cars from going so fast....I really can't help but worry about fully auto weapons....

Who here DOES own a fully auto weapon and what do you use it for? How often have you shot it?
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson

Can you tell I like this one?

It's a good one, and it's a very prophetic statement. Unfortunately, the sheeple like the warm and fuzzy feeling they get from being told how well off they are and how they always will be taken care of. The sheeple wear blinders and believe that because we live in fairly decent times, it will always be that way. The sheeple see no need to preserve a right enshrined by wise people to ensure that citizens of our country have a means to stand against tyranny. Even if the politicians mean well, it's a slippery slope.

As the song goes, "...You don't know what you've got 'til its gone."
speed limits are not in place only for safety but also a source of revenue. Guns do not kill people ,people kill people. Would you be comfortable with mass stabbings? People that wish to kill others will find a way irreguardless of the means.
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