Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

Well today is day 23 and so far out of my 34 eggs none have hatched. When the eggs went into lockdown I only had 10 remaining because the other had nothing in them although two were early on quitters. I'm really dish appointed tht nothing happened I did everything right but they were all shipped eggs so they must have gotten scrambled. Two looked like they had chicks in them but they haven't hatched yet.i really hope they still do, I heard Maran eggs sometimes take longer to hatch and I hope this is the case this time. One of the eggs that looked like it would hatch was from my chickens but that one didnt hatch either. I think it was layer about a week before I put it in so it could have been old? Well if they don't hatch by day 25 I'm going to have to open them up and see what may have happened. :(
I ordered some chicks on Saturday because I knew only two would hatch if that so I'm still going to have chicks but I really wanted to hatch my own.
Chickenpooplady~ I cracked them open last night and they made it full term, but were the wrong direction! My turner must have not rolled them completely over, or tilted the wrong way. Next time I will hand turn

Sorry that none of them hatched. It stinks but it is nice that you know what went wrong so that you can change it for next time.
Oh, and I have a broody hen that has been sitting for a week! Yay!


I wish I had been on here a few weeks ago...My little lavender orphs are almost 2 weeks now...I had 25 eggs in my homemade incubator...20 hatched...4 were not fertile...i hope tomorrow to get an outside cage made for them, they have been outside on the days when it's not been raining for the last week. Its so much fun to watch the little devils grow. This is my 3rd hatch...but will be the 1st time I have kept any over a week. The first 2 hatches I sold to get the money to buy this hatch's eggs.

Wow that is a great hatch rate! Congrats! Were the eggs from your own flock? I would love to see pictures!

Lockdown!!!!! Wooohooo
Seems like it has taken months. Have 8/11 that I started with. I candled before lockdown, seen veins in all except 1 that I have had a hard time with since the beginning. The shell seems to be thicker than the others. Will that one give the chick a hard time hatching from it?

Good luck! I hope that you have babies soon! I don't know if a thinker shell would make it harder for the chick to hatch or not. I hope that it is not a problem for the baby.

Well today is day 23 and so far out of my 34 eggs none have hatched. When the eggs went into lockdown I only had 10 remaining because the other had nothing in them although two were early on quitters. I'm really dish appointed tht nothing happened I did everything right but they were all shipped eggs so they must have gotten scrambled. Two looked like they had chicks in them but they haven't hatched yet.i really hope they still do, I heard Maran eggs sometimes take longer to hatch and I hope this is the case this time. One of the eggs that looked like it would hatch was from my chickens but that one didnt hatch either. I think it was layer about a week before I put it in so it could have been old? Well if they don't hatch by day 25 I'm going to have to open them up and see what may have happened.

I am so sorry.
Trust me I know what bad hatches feel like. Shipped eggs are so frustrating. I hope that they are just late and there is life in there still.
This is my first hatch, I started with 11, 2 were not fertile, and 1 was just a blob and began to smell rotten. Down to 8....I kind of enjoy turning them myself....gives me the chance to at least candle one or 2 to see how they are doing. If I had more I would want a turner. I am just hoping that I don't run into any complications. I have one egg that seems to have a thicker shell and is very porous, so it seems. It has always seemed very dotted when I would candle it. After reading everything I have on here I would be happy to get 4/8 hatched. But would be extremely thrilled to get 8/8....They are due t hatch on Thursday..and my DH gets off Thurs. and is on a 7 day break so I can help them if I HAVE to..can not wait. LoL...DH just asked who I was typing...I said BYC...he said he wished he had 5 bucks for every time he heard "chickens"
This is my first hatch, I started with 11, 2 were not fertile, and 1 was just a blob and began to smell rotten. Down to 8....I kind of enjoy turning them myself....gives me the chance to at least candle one or 2 to see how they are doing. If I had more I would want a turner. I am just hoping that I don't run into any complications. I have one egg that seems to have a thicker shell and is very porous, so it seems. It has always seemed very dotted when I would candle it. After reading everything I have on here I would be happy to get 4/8 hatched. But would be extremely thrilled to get 8/8....They are due t hatch on Thursday..and my DH gets off Thurs. and is on a 7 day break so I can help them if I HAVE to..can not wait. LoL...DH just asked who I was typing...I said BYC...he said he wished he had 5 bucks for every time he heard "chickens"
Good luck!!!
Sounds like my DH...
This is my first hatch, I started with 11, 2 were not fertile, and 1 was just a blob and began to smell rotten. Down to 8....I kind of enjoy turning them myself....gives me the chance to at least candle one or 2 to see how they are doing. If I had more I would want a turner. I am just hoping that I don't run into any complications. I have one egg that seems to have a thicker shell and is very porous, so it seems. It has always seemed very dotted when I would candle it.  After reading everything I have on here I would be happy to get 4/8 hatched. But would be extremely thrilled to get 8/8....They are due t hatch on Thursday..and my DH gets off Thurs. and is on a 7 day break so I can help them if I HAVE to..can not wait. LoL...DH just asked who I was typing...I said BYC...he said he wished he had 5 bucks for every time he heard "chickens":duc
best of luck with your hatch! Hope all goes better than expected. Yes, my fiancé quit asking what i was typing a long time ago. He knows I'm obsessed, but I'm not the one trying to sneak another duckling into the game plan!
Okay! Even with my better light, I can't see anything in the shell. Now it's all up to the duckling! ETA is this week! I can't handle the waiting!!! ><;;
This is my first hatch, I started with 11, 2 were not fertile, and 1 was just a blob and began to smell rotten. Down to 8....I kind of enjoy turning them myself....gives me the chance to at least candle one or 2 to see how they are doing. If I had more I would want a turner. I am just hoping that I don't run into any complications. I have one egg that seems to have a thicker shell and is very porous, so it seems. It has always seemed very dotted when I would candle it.  After reading everything I have on here I would be happy to get 4/8 hatched. But would be extremely thrilled to get 8/8....They are due t hatch on Thursday..and my DH gets off Thurs. and is on a 7 day break so I can help them if I HAVE to..can not wait. LoL...DH just asked who I was typing...I said BYC...he said he wished he had 5 bucks for every time he heard "chickens":duc
yours too? Mine said to build him a coop so I would pay as much attention to him as I do my chickens! Lol
My husband has not even bothered to tell me no about a chicken, YET LoL. I imagine if I get all my eggs to hatch and tell him I need another coop, he might complain a little. It's funny I mention making things I see here on BYC and in a few days he comes up with plans and a shopping list
He was totally against chickens at first, so this is all entertaining for me.
My husband has not even bothered to tell me no about a chicken, YET LoL. I imagine if I get all my eggs to hatch and tell him I need another coop, he might complain a little. It's funny I mention making things I see here on BYC and in a few days he comes up with plans and a shopping list
He was totally against chickens at first, so this is all entertaining for me.
Admittedly I sort of forced my fiancee into it. After we fostered that baby canadian goose we fell in love with having a little fluffy guy around, but he wanted to hold off for a while but I kinda sorta already bought my eggs by then...heh.

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