Hatch-A-Long- Old lady names! 👵

Maybe there is hope yet. If not, I am sorry to here it. The good thing is that you rather find they are infertile than have ones that partially develop and stop. Those really bum you out.
Hopefully! Day 5 is still a bit early, so I'll candle again in a few days. 5 for sure and 1 being a maybe... out of 8... isn't bad though. I agree. I don't want a partially developed chick.
Day 10 candling. I only saw veins and movement in one egg. Another has veins but much smaller, so I'm unsure about that one. Will check again at 14 days. Many of the eggs look like this, though. I don't know what this means? Baby that didn't make it?

Here's Bette! The only one I'm 100% sure is growing beautifully! @Ecarroll

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