Hatch A Long with PenguinsCrafts

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Nice! :love

I'd take full advantage!:lau

He's is a Chinese/embden. He was a house goose until just a month ago. He was the only one of 5 eggs to hatch on July 4th. And spoiled rotten!:oops: :lau

I plan to as he wants a rifle that I am sure will cost a pretty penny. Plus since he drives OTR and I am the one holding down the farm I get spoiled.
I am worried about having the lone goose. Hence why I plan to hatch ducks, turkeys and chicks with them so that the turkeys can learn to eat and drink from the chicks and the ducks and geese can learn in the other brooder.

Barnyard mix of chickens, for now, will work while I build the flock back up. Then I will go get the NPIP certs and be able to sell eggs and chicks/goslings/pollets/duckings to others. Might even manage to convince my husband to get the peafowls I am wanting. lol
I plan to as he wants a rifle that I am sure will cost a pretty penny. Plus since he drives OTR and I am the one holding down the farm I get spoiled.
I am worried about having the lone goose. Hence why I plan to hatch ducks, turkeys and chicks with them so that the turkeys can learn to eat and drink from the chicks and the ducks and geese can learn in the other brooder.

Barnyard mix of chickens, for now, will work while I build the flock back up. Then I will go get the NPIP certs and be able to sell eggs and chicks/goslings/pollets/duckings to others. Might even manage to convince my husband to get the peafowls I am wanting. lol
I think that would be ok with the goose but eventually you'll need another goose. And it's best for a gander to have at least 2 hens. And if the lone goose is a male he will try to breed the duck hens and may try to kill the Drakes. Not a pretty sight.
I have mostly mutt chickens. lol
But I also have a few ACs, AMs, some EEs. And just hatched some French black marans, more EEs and 3 lavender AMs.
I have 2 turkeys and 14 call ducks...lol
I think that would be ok with the goose but eventually you'll need another goose. And it's best for a gander to have at least 2 hens. And if the lone goose is a male he will try to breed the duck hens and may try to kill the Drakes. Not a pretty sight.
I have mostly mutt chickens. lol
But I also have a few ACs, AMs, some EEs. And just hatched some French black marans, more EEs and 3 lavender AMs.
I have 2 turkeys and 14 call ducks...lol

If I end up with a long goose I will get some friends for him ASAP. Had Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, and Chickens for years up north. House fire forced us to sell everything and relocate 700 miles south. Had a chicken killer dog that I rehomed killed over 70 birds before my husband agree the dog had to go.
My outside birds are 3 California Whites, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Cuckoo Marans, and 2 BSL. In the brooder are 22 three and half week old chicks. They are a rare breed assortment we ordered from McMurray. I have 9 Standard feather legs, 1 bantam feather leg, 1 bantam yellow colored chick, and 11 standard clean leg chicks. Breeds we have no clue as of yet, but my 5 boys have claimed this batch as theirs.
When my husband comes home the end of March we will be getting two months worth of food and supplies and at least two more tubs for brooders.
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