Go Emily's chick, get ready to zip!!
Hello Kitty Baby GIF by Pudgy Penguins
BTW I love all the guesses but sadly #s 47 50 51 53 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 all have been taken out as they stopped growing/didn’t grow (two were infertile) I saw a bunch of you guys picking 64 and 65 so I’m very sorry. But we still have more Eggies to pick from. Feel free to pick another!!
The “Buff Orpingtons“ look like White Orpingtons or White Rock to me.
Go number 65!
Thank you I thought so too. It might be mixed with a buff as it has some goldfish feathers on his back but def not full buff. That’s ok tho! Also please feel free to pick another egg as 65 didn’t make it. !! Loved the guess
I see bubbles coming out every once and a while at the beak. I’m new to hatching so I hope that’s good. Humidity hasn’t been high this whole time I’ve been watching it rigorously and sleeping only occasionally lol

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