Hatchery mistake is our gain?

Just my opinion, but KEEP the CHICK! Hoo HAh! Any place worth their salt should be able to keep adequate records and practices to keep their "daughter's" birds separate from mainstream hatching sales. Their loss is your gain. Enjoy!
By law, the 'special' chick is yours, no one can send anyone something they didn't order and demand payment (not that they asked).

On the other hand, what if you were the 'breeders daughter' and your rare and hard to hatch chick was sent by mistake?

Sorry that I'm not following the main stream on responses, but I'm picturing a young lady working hard to breed rare chickens, unlike her father that goes for quantity.

I wouldn't tell them about it if you don't plan on giving it back, this would make for a bad business relationship.
I agree with the point made by backyardchickens. If I was that daughter I would be very upset that my hard work was shipped out with the masses. I'm sure that daughters father feels really bad too. I doubt they will want you to ship it back, so it's probably just for record keeping and her dad is probably calling every order just to see to make up for his daughter feeling bad. Up to you what you choose to do.
I agree with silkiechicken and BackYardChickens, but I also wonder about the way it happened. The standard Araucana may not have been hatched separately from the others at all--it may have just been the best of the hatch, the one she was planning on keeping because it does conform to standard. She may have told them to go ahead and use the others as EEs for you, and that's how the mix-up occurred.

But isn't it strange that they wouldn't just ask if you had a breed standard rumpless--instead they asked if you had one that looked "different"? That makes me wonder if they weren't looking for another breed entirely. I don't know; it's a strange situation.

I don't believe you can even ship birds of that age: you have to wait until they're feathered out. And I don't think they could "force" you to give the bird up, anyway, if you didn't want to. However, they may be willing to make it even better for you, somehow, if you did... a few more chicks or rare birds in exchange. I'm not sure what I'd do if I was in your place, but I wouldn't immediately rule out calling the hatchery back to ask if a rumpless was what they were looking for. It would be kinder to the daughter and may even end up benefiting you more.

I say be honest and upfront. You truly do not have to return it. But I am also thinking about what it is they are trying to do. Better the standards? You risk nothing by telling them what you have. In fact, as others have mentioned, you may stand to gain a little. Whatever you decide, keep us up to date. How about some pics?
If they were concerned enought to go to the trouble to call, I would co-operate in any way I could. First of all they are not going to want you to ship it back. You could not safely ship a single chick anyway. I always assume people are honest first and chicken people meet that criteria more than others.

Heavens people, we all make mistakes, I make lots of them. I appreciate it when someone helps me realize and resolve it.
I'm with all of you on this. I cant be dishonest. My guilt would kill me eventually.
So, I called them back this morning and asked if they were missing a chick of a 'rumpless' variety and they said they were missing an Araucana (which is rumpless of course). I told them of the one little rumpless chick we have. I crossed my fingers that they didnt ask for him back. They didnt. Instead, they thanked me for my honesty and are sending me a voucher for a free order! I can pick up to $40 more in chicks of any of their varieties, get a waterfowl order of up to $40, or save the free order for another time!
The only thing they asked of me, is if I could let them know what I end up with (cockerel or pullet, color, etc) for their records. I agreed and we ended the call on good terms. I'm happy about their "boo boo" and our "special" chicky.
And of course, I'm happy to hear the word FREE when combined with the word CHICKS...lol (Though, hubby is not QUITE as happy about that....hehehe)
I guess the lesson of the day is that honesty IS the best policy!
Hooray! Goes to prove that chicken people are the best... on BOTH ends of that transaction.


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