Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I have available for sale: 4 Double Laced Black Barnevedler pullets and 2 pairs of Bantam Chocolate Wyandottes. PM if interested
I know you weren't advertising them, but do you have any purple laced wyandottes and can you ship for free?

LOL...I crack myself up...
Nope, but I'm pretty sure I have some pink ones. First time offered to the public. Very rare!
Are those the ones that when you breed them to each other you get 25% red, 50% pink and 25% white with occasional little spots of pink and red? if so, I'll take em!!!
Are those the ones that when you breed them to each other you get 25% red, 50% pink and 25% white with occasional little spots of pink and red? if so, I'll take em!!!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello. This week was finals for 1 masters degree and next week is finals for the 2nd masters degree. I'll be MIA for a little while and just pop in now and then. Hope everyone is well!
Sorry I've got to vent.
First time in a long time that I feel like I got took. Not here, another site. I'm just sick! I've not, in a really long time, had at least one egg to try and develop from shipped eggs. I've had some sets to not make it to lockdown, even had one set to have a really bad one that blew up, but not to have at least one to try to vein. Bought some B. Chocolate Orp eggs from a guy in SC. during the time that I bought the eggs, the eggs got delivered, and 'bator time for a week. I like to let the folks I buy from know about their eggs just like I like to know how eggs I sold do. I emailed this cat to tell him that I would be doing the 1st check that night and got an email saying that if there was a problem with fertility and before I left follow up feedback to contact him. Odd right? I hadn't even peeked at these eggs yet and he's telling me if there's a fertility problem to contact him.
In a space of a couple hours I got 2 emails from a third party asking about this guy's eggs fertility. Red flag for me, I thought this guy's fishing to see if I'd bad talk him. I wrote back and told the 3rd party that I hadn't candled yet, and if they had any questions to direct them to Mr....... That our business was a private matter between the 2 of us.
Checked the eggs. None fertile. No veining,when cracked open just looked like cold storage eggs. Contacted him about the eggs and the odd emails from the 3rd party. Short story here....said the other person was competitor of his and he offered to sent another set of eggs his cost. Offered to wait until he got a handle on the fertility problem and he assured me it was a one off. I offered to pay shipping, he declined. I thought, "well, awful nice of him." Got a couple more emails from and 4th party. Contacted Mr...... again, seen this cat had changed his username....Odd again, huh? was told that "the other site" told him to change is username because of the harassment from the 3rd party, which he also said the 4th party was the 3rd party. Put me off a couple week on eggs, I thought, "no problem, he's working on the fertility problem" He promised the moon...extra eggs, different breeds, ya-da, ya=da....Got the eggs, got what I paid for 12. thought, "np, I got what I paid for, a dozen." No further contact from cat, I emailed him today to let him know I would be checking today. No further contact.
Just got out of the bator. Mind you, I got eggs after from a couple folks from here, from further away from here. NOTHING in his eggs, no veining, same thing again. Now the other eggs from BYCers. only 2 showed clear out of heck over 35. I peeked early at them just as a control. Plus, I set a couple of mine with each new set to have a way of judging growth and check pen fertility. Sometimes I still second guess myself.
Contacted the "other site", now I don't want a refund, and normally I'm not a complainer, but I really feel this guy is a scam artist. Told them I wasn't looking for another set of eggs or money but didn't want this guy to do to others want was done to me. This guy's feedback is seeded with buyers with 1 buy or 5 buys about how great their hatches were. Seeded is the right word for it. I was told that the other site would look into it and if necessary they would "flag" him. Dang I'm Mad At myself and at him!
I'm not sure who to quote even... Y'all are crackin' me up! I've gotten a few of those calls too, especially the one who wanted to buy eggs and then try and get a hen to go broody. Really??? Err, call me when she is.
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