Hatching Refrigerated Eggs


Apr 29, 2023
Sylvania, GA
So a little while back, I lost my Rouen female. I had been storing her eggs in the fridge for baking use and etc. I did not intend on hatching any of her eggs this year as I wanted her to be fully mature, but after watching a supermarket quail egg hatch, it made me wonder. I also picked up a super cheap PITA incubator from Tractor Supply a little while back when it was on sale for $24.99. Long story short, I picked 6 of the largest eggs that she laid most recently before her passing and pulled them from the fridge, they had been in there about 3wks. I left them out for 2 days and got the bator up and running during that time. So here we are on day 6 of incubation. I candled on day 5. 4 out of the 6 were clear, but 2 have blood vessels and maybe a little heartbeat? I am terrified and excited, but not too excited since it is so early and I would rather prepare for the worse.
Just wanted to share with you guys, because my co-workers don't get my excitement and are probably thinking I am a bit nuts right about now.
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I do hope you get ducklings! There are several reports from the UK of folks there buying duck eggs from the supermarket and incubating them. The difference there is that the eggs are not kept in the refrigerator, but unwashed on the supermarket shelves. However, as long as your eggs have not been too cold, that should not make a difference -- human eggs are frozen and brought back and fertilized!

Keep us updated!
Day 2 of no visible movement. :hit
What are the signs of them quitting and how long to continue incubating to be certain? Also noticed a wierd shape in the air cell of one.
Checked them again tonight and they are R.I.P.
One was a blob and I could tell by the way the contents moved, that it was decomposing. The other, what few veins were there had turned yellowish and detached, and the fluid inside the egg appeared to have debris. Hard to explain, but neither were healthy red happy embryos anymore. I will repeat my attempt with her remaining eggs(8). Will post again when I do.

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